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Discover the Power of Video Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Video Marketing


Discover the Power of Video Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you ready to unlock the potential of video marketing to grow your business? With over 82% of online traffic coming from video content, it’s a strategy you can’t afford to ignore.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you exactly how to tap into this massive source of traffic, maximize your results, and drive more leads and sales into your business.

But before we dive in, let’s start with the basics:

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is all about using compelling video content to promote your products, services, brand, or message. It’s a powerful way to grab attention, educate your audience, and ultimately convert that attention into new leads and sales.

How Does Video Marketing Work?

Using video marketing is simple. You’ll create captivating video content that directly or indirectly promotes your business, driving new leads, increasing sales revenue, raising awareness, and engaging with your existing and potential customers.

10 Video Marketing Metrics to Keep an Eye On

To make the most of your video marketing efforts, it’s crucial to track and analyze key metrics. Here are some important ones to monitor:

View Count

Get insights into how many people are opening your video, but don’t stop there. Look beyond just views to measure true engagement.

Clickthrough Rate (CTR)

Gauge how often viewers are clicking on your call-to-action links. It’s a vital metric for evaluating the success of your marketing campaigns.

Ready to Get Started with Video Marketing?

With tools like Voomly, you can make your videos stand out and capture the lion’s share of traffic. But remember, a solid strategy is essential before you hit record.

So, let’s dive into the strategies, techniques, and best practices that will help you harness the power of video marketing and skyrocket your business growth. Get ready to make an impact with video!

Conversion Rate: The Key to Your Marketing Success

Tracking your conversion rate is absolutely crucial when it comes to measuring the success of your marketing efforts. A conversion can be any action that leads to a desired outcome, whether it’s an email signup, a product purchase, or something else entirely. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the desired outcome may vary depending on the goals of your campaign.

For example, if you’re selling a service or product, your goal may be to generate more leads and sales through your video content. In this case, anyone who makes a purchase after watching your video would be considered a conversion.

To optimize your conversion rate, it’s essential to track and test different approaches using A/B split tests. This will help you determine the most effective strategies and how they impact your overall conversions.

Let’s say you want to increase the number of email subscribers by adding a gate to your content that requires viewers to enter their email before continuing to watch. By tracking the number of people who provide their email on a monthly basis, you can test different CTAs to identify the highest-converting option.

To calculate your conversion rate, divide the number of total conversions by the total number of visitors. For example, if you have 1,000 visitors and 100 conversions, your conversion rate would be 10%.

Track Your Branding Efforts for Success

While measuring branding can be challenging, it’s a metric that shouldn’t be overlooked when optimizing your marketing campaigns. Branding metrics can include shares, likes, comments, views on live and pre-recorded videos, brand mentions, and overall attitudes towards your products/services.

Video Marketing

Each company’s branding metrics will vary, but tracking them on a month-to-month basis will give you valuable insights into how well your marketing and brand are performing. By comparing the impact of your video content to other marketing channels and analyzing its influence on overall sales, you can assess your brand’s awareness and customer interactions.

Remember, videos serve as the initial touchpoint with potential customers. As they engage with your brand more frequently, you have the opportunity to guide them further down the sales funnel.

Focus on Return On Investment (ROI)

The ultimate goal of any marketing campaign is to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI). Calculating this metric involves subtracting the costs associated with producing and promoting your videos from the revenue they generate.

ROI reflects the profitability of your videos, both directly and indirectly, and helps you determine their effectiveness within your marketing strategy. While tracking ROI may be more challenging than other metrics, it’s essential to develop systems and processes that accurately measure how well your campaigns are converting into real revenue.

Engage Your Audience with Video Content

To assess the impact of your videos on your audience, it’s crucial to track video engagement. Consider the following metrics:


Take note of the number of comments each video receives and assess the sentiment expressed within them. Positive or negative comments can provide valuable insights into how your branding and marketing efforts are perceived by your audience.


The ratio of likes to dislikes can indicate how well your video’s messaging resonates with your audience. Pay attention to these indicators to identify what content your audience wants to see.


Keeping track of the number of shares each video receives will give you an idea of how engaging your content is. More shares mean that your videos are resonating with a larger audience, so it’s important to understand what elements are driving this engagement.

Watch Time

Your watch time reflects the number of minutes (or hours) people spend consuming your content. Monitoring this metric can help you gauge how captivating your videos are and whether they’re holding your audience’s attention.

By focusing on these key metrics and continuously tracking, testing, and optimizing your videos, you can create a successful and impactful video marketing strategy.

Discover the Power of Video Marketing: Connect, Engage, and Grow Your Business!

In today’s world, your audience craves connection like never before. They want to establish a meaningful relationship with your brand and trust that you have the solutions to their problems.

That’s where video marketing comes in. Compared to other forms of marketing like social media posts, blog articles, and emails, videos have proven to be the most effective in:

  • Boosting SEO
  • Captivating and retaining attention
  • Creating momentum on social media
  • Immersing and educating viewers by showing rather than telling
  • Building trust through compelling storytelling
  • Expanding your reach to wider audiences

But don’t just take our word for it. Let the latest statistics speak for themselves:

  • In 2022 alone, a staggering 3.37 billion internet users consumed video content. And this number is only expected to grow in the coming years.
  • On average, people spend nearly 84 minutes per day watching videos. During lockdowns, this figure skyrocketed to almost 131 minutes per day.
  • Millennials are the biggest audience for video marketing, with 14.9% of them clocking in 10-20 hours of online video consumption per week.
  • Mobile devices are the preferred platform, with 90% of consumers watching videos on their smartphones and tablets. So make sure your video sales funnels are optimized for mobile viewing.
  • An impressive 88% of video marketers are satisfied with the return on investment (ROI) from their video campaigns. Even non-marketers have seen the power of video in boosting their success.
  • Marketing professionals credit video for a significant sales increase, with 78% reporting positive results.
  • on’t miss out on the potential revenue your company could be generating by ignoring video.
  • YouTube ads offer incredible value, with an average cost-per-view of just $0.01 to $0.03. This makes it one of the most cost-effective forms of paid advertising available today.
  • Looking ahead, 60% of content marketers plan to increase their video budgets in 2023. When a marketing strategy delivers impressive ROI, it’s time to double down and expand your investment.
  • When people want to learn more about a product or service, 96% of them turn to videos. By not creating video content, you’re leaving a significant amount of money on the table.

Impressive, right? But there’s still plenty of room for your business to harness the power of video marketing and achieve growth. The key lies in understanding which types of videos to create and why they’re so effective.

Discover the 9 Hottest Video Marketing Formats You Need to Use Today!

When it comes to your marketing campaigns, there are so many exciting video formats to choose from. Depending on your goals and the situation, some formats work better than others. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with 9 of the top video formats that are taking the marketing world by storm.

#1: Get ready for Demo Videos!

Want to show your audience exactly how your product or service works? Demo videos are the way to go. From giving a tour of your product to unboxing and putting it to the test, these videos are incredibly effective in showcasing what you have to offer. Check out this awesome demo video made using Toonly and Doodly.

#2: Introducing Brand Videos!

Brand videos play a key role in your overall marketing campaign. They’re perfect for sharing your company’s vision, mission, and showcasing your available products or services. Get inspired by this amazing brand video from ClickFunnels.

#3: Get the Buzz Going with Event Videos!

If you’re hosting conferences, fundraisers, or any other type of event, video marketing is a fantastic way to generate buzz and get more people excited. Create highlight reels, presentations, or even interview clips using Voomly to drive traffic to your event registration pages. See how ClickFunnels does it for Funnel Hacking LIVE.

#4: Expert Interviews that Wow!

Capture attention and build authority with expert interviews. By featuring thought leaders in your industry, you’ll establish trust and boost your brand recognition. Check out how Russell Brunson used an expert interview with Tony Robbins to grab attention.

#5: Educate and Engage with How-To Videos!

Teach your audience something valuable and deepen your connection with them through educational and how-to videos. These videos not only increase knowledge about your products and services but also support your sales and customer support teams. Take a look at this educational video showcasing how to use Doodly.

#6: Break it Down with Explainer Videos!

Explainer videos are perfect for highlighting the benefits your audience can experience when they take up your offers. These videos focus on the customer journey and show the transformation that awaits them when they become your customer. Watch this video from Doodly to see just how easy it is to create compelling explainers.

#7: Bring Your Ideas to Life with Animated Videos!

Don’t let complicated topics hold you back. Animated videos simplify and visually explain complex concepts. With Toonly and Doodly, creating animated videos is a breeze. Learn how to use animated videos effectively with this great example from IM Toolkit.

#8: Show, Don’t Tell with Case Study Videos!

When potential customers watch your videos, they want to see proof that your product, service, or offer can solve their problems. Case study videos and testimonials are powerful tools for showcasing how your offerings have benefited others. See how ClickFunnels highlights a customer case study.

#9: Go Live and Connect with Your Audience!

Give your audience an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into your business and how you serve your customers with live videos. Livestreams attract higher engagement rates and allow you to connect with your audience in real-time. According to Google, 85% of people have viewed a livestream in the last year.

Now that you have the inside scoop on these 9 incredible video marketing formats, it’s time to level up your marketing game and start creating captivating content that grabs attention and drives results!

Unlock the Power of Marketing Videos: The Essential Steps for Success

Want to make sure your video marketing campaign hits the mark? It all comes down to smart preparation. By following a few key steps, you can save time, money, and avoid costly mistakes. Let’s dive in!

Gear up for Success: Cost-Effective Equipment for Awesome Videos

Forget about breaking the bank on expensive gear. The best equipment for your marketing videos is actually affordable. All you need is a decent microphone, an HD camera, and some user-friendly software for editing and producing top-notch content.

Our recommended software includes Toonly, Doodly, and Voomly – the perfect tools to create eye-catching animation, sketch, and whiteboard videos. Customize your branding, build engaging video funnels, and even add interactive elements to captivate your audience and inspire action.

Master the Art of a Killer Marketing Campaign in 4 Simple Steps

Step 1: Uncover the WHY Behind Each Video

Don’t create videos for the sake of it. Every video should have a purpose. Understand why you’re producing it and what you want your audience to take away. Avoid those fluffy, clickbait videos that leave viewers feeling disappointed. Ask yourself key questions like who needs to watch this video, what pain or issue does it address, how will it help, and what should viewers do next? Stay on target and ensure your videos deliver real value.

Step 2: Keep It Fresh and Document Your Journey

Variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to video content. Don’t get stuck in a repetitive routine. Mix things up by producing different types of videos and using various platforms to reach your audience. Experiment with Facebook and Instagram stories to give a behind-the-scenes look, leverage TikTok for quick tips, embrace YouTube Shorts for to-the-point content, and share informal advice and training on LinkedIn. Engage your audience and build connections through a variety of platforms.

Step 3: Plan Your Mission-Critical Videos for Maximum Impact

While some videos can be created on the fly, others require careful planning to achieve your goals. This includes content types like webinars, sales videos, training material, video series, case studies, and video testimonials. Before starting these projects, it’s essential to have clear goals and directions in mind.

It’s recommended to have 2-3 mission-critical videos in progress at any given time. These are the videos that need to be the absolute best and receive significant time, energy, and money for promotion. To ensure their success, it’s crucial to develop a script that outlines what needs to be said before recording.

One effective script framework to use is the Hook, Story, Offer framework. This approach allows you to grab attention with a strong hook, engage viewers with a compelling story, and present them with an irresistible offer that directly benefits them.

To create these impactful videos, consider using Doodly and Toonly, two powerful tools that can bring your ideas to life.

Try Voomly for FREE now!

Step 4: Boost Your Video’s Visibility with SEO

No matter where you host your videos, it’s crucial to think about how you’ll drive traffic to them. One of the most effective sources of high-converting traffic is search engine traffic. To capitalize on this, each video you create should be optimized for search engine rankings.

Here are some key steps to optimize your videos:

  • Choose a specific keyword or phrase to target.
  • Focus on creating a title that includes the keyword and test different options.
  • Craft a description or post that incorporates the keyword.
  • Provide a transcript for your video.
  • Utilize relevant tags and hashtags.

By following these steps, search engine algorithms will better understand your video’s content and display it in search results. This will lead to increased views and engagement.

Remember, always host your videos on your own website to maintain control over your traffic. Voomly can help you accomplish this while ensuring fast loading speeds and cost-effective hosting.

For just $19 a month, you’ll receive access to 2 terabytes of storage, a 4K and HDR video player, video sharing, custom branding, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited video uploads. Additionally, you can build up to 10 different video funnels to capture your audience’s attention and convert them into leads and sales.

Step 5: Unleash the Power of Videos to Generate Leads

While videos are great for capturing attention, the limited space for descriptions and bios on most platforms can hinder lead generation efforts. With Voomly, you can overcome this challenge and convert more viewers into leads and sales.

By using the Invisible Video Squeeze Player, you can pause your video at strategic moments to inject a call-to-action or ask your audience to take a specific action before continuing. This powerful tool helps increase conversion rates and optimize the impact of your video marketing campaigns.

Take a look at the Voomly homepage and the video featuring Russell Brunson to witness the effectiveness of this innovative feature when used correctly.

Additionally, the Interactive Video Closer allows you to engage your audience and prompt them to take action, ensuring maximum lead generation.

Don’t settle for simply hosting your content. Use Voomly to grow your business and reap the benefits of your video marketing efforts.

Step 6: Boost your video marketing campaigns with analytics!

If you want to make sure your videos are helping you reach your goals, pay attention to your analytics and always strive to improve your metrics.

With Voomly, you not only get an easy-to-use analytics interface, but also features like heat mapping and geo-location tracking. Plus, you can quickly see which devices and browsers make up the majority of your audience.

See how it works:

Whether you’re looking to increase reach, identify top-performing videos, or figure out why some videos aren’t performing as expected, Voomly can help.

Watching your analytics, especially when they’re easily understood, can save you money, boost conversion rates, and deliver the content your audience wants.

Avoid these 7 common video marketing mistakes!

To start off on the right foot, here are 7 video marketing mistakes you’ll want to avoid.

Mistake #1 – Lengthy and boring videos

People’s attention spans are getting shorter each day. Creating videos that are too long or uninteresting will result in low conversion rates.

Recent studies show that the highest-performing video length is around 3 minutes, but it ultimately depends on your audience, message, goals, and distribution platform. Use your analytics to understand your audience’s preferences in terms of length and format.

Trim any irrelevant content that doesn’t drive your message forward, making your videos as concise as possible while still providing what your audience needs.

Mistake #2 – Ineffective introductions

Your introduction is your chance to capture your audience’s attention and engage them. If your introduction is boring or too long, you’ll lose their interest.

Instead, use curiosity-based hooks to keep them intrigued about what they’ll see in the rest of the video. Once you have their attention, deliver on what you’ve piqued their curiosity about, so they’ll want to come back for more.

Try Voomly FREE now!

Mistake #3 – Scripted delivery

The most engaging videos feel natural and unscripted. If it’s obvious that you’re reading from a script, you’ll lose your audience.

Using a script is important, but practice reading through it and allow yourself to ad-lib instead of strictly sticking to the script. This will make your videos feel more spontaneous and engaging, as if you’re talking directly to your audience.

Mistake #4 – Overselling

People don’t want to be sold to, especially when they’re watching videos. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t sell to them at all. Just avoid overselling.

Instead, focus on building relationships by creating content that addresses your audience’s needs without forcing or manipulating them into purchasing your offers. This way, you’ll keep your audience engaged even after they’ve watched the video, giving you more opportunities to entertain, educate, and inform them.

Mistake #5 – Information overload

Remember, you’re creating marketing campaigns, not documentaries. Avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive information that leaves them confused or overwhelmed.

Mistake #6 – Don’t Leave Your Viewers Hanging – Include Clear Call To Actions

When it comes to marketing, we all want to achieve our goals of raising awareness, generating leads, and driving sales. But if we neglect to use call to actions (CTAs) in our videos, we’re making a big mistake.

Even if we do include CTAs, it’s essential that they clearly communicate what we want our viewers to do and why it benefits them. Without this clarity, we’ll struggle to achieve our objectives.

To avoid this mistake, make sure your videos have CTAs that prompt viewers to take their next steps with you. And most importantly, focus on showing them the benefits of taking action and what’s in it for them. Mastering this will greatly improve your clickthrough rate.

Mistake #7 – Give Your Videos Purpose and Meaning

Creating videos just for the sake of it won’t lead to high engagement or conversion rates. Before diving into video creation, take the time to understand your audience, their wants and needs, goals, and the problems they’re facing. Then, develop your video marketing strategy with a clear goal and purpose for each video.

But remember, your reason for publishing videos shouldn’t solely be to generate leads and sales. Always keep your audience in mind and make sure the content you create delivers what they want from you.

In return for providing value, you’ll see an increase in leads and sales for your business.

Final Thoughts

Video marketing is more important and accessible than ever. By following the tips and steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your video marketing campaigns are not only driving results for your business but also building strong relationships with your target audience.

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