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Digital Marketing in the Wake of the Pandemic: A New Era of Engagement

Digital Marketing in the Wake of the Pandemic


Digital Marketing in the Wake of the Pandemic: A New Era of Engagement

Wow, the global pandemic completely transformed our world! Lockdowns and quarantines became the new normal as we battled the rapid spread of the virus. Unfortunately, these necessary actions had a severe impact on our economy, especially for small businesses. Many had to close their doors temporarily or permanently. The hospitality, travel, and entertainment industries were hit the hardest, with a significant decrease in revenue. But it wasn’t just the economy that suffered; millions of people lost their jobs, causing a lot of stress and uncertainty.

However, despite all the hardships, there was a silver lining. The pandemic accelerated our move into a digital-first world. Businesses quickly adapted to online models, teachers embraced virtual classrooms, and working from home became the norm. One trend that really stood out during this time was the explosion of content creation. With more people spending time online, brands realized the importance of connecting with their audience. Video content, in particular, took center stage. From informative how-to videos to engaging webinars, the digital world became a hub of creativity and digital storytelling.

Another significant change brought about by the pandemic was the rise of remote work. With traditional office spaces fading away, working from home became a lifeline for businesses to keep running and employees to stay safe. Virtual offices and remote teamwork became the new norm, opening up a world of remote job opportunities. Although there were challenges, like creating a suitable workspace and maintaining work-life balance, the benefits of remote work outweighed the cons. Commute time was drastically reduced, flexibility increased, and work-life balance improved.

As companies saw the success of remote teams, many are considering making it a permanent model or adopting a hybrid approach. The pandemic has shown that with the right tools and mindset, remote work can be just as, if not more, efficient than a traditional office setup. Productivity levels have even been on the rise for remote workers.

In this time of limited face-to-face interactions, businesses had to find new ways to connect with their audience. This gave rise to the importance of digital content creation, especially through video. Brands realized that storytelling through video is a powerful tool that helps to create a personal connection, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression on viewers. Video content offers a multi-sensory experience, incorporating visuals, sound, text, and motion to make the message more engaging and impactful.

During this period, a standout tool in the world of content creation is Voomly Cloud. This cloud-based video hosting platform is designed with content creators in mind. It’s not just a hosting platform; it empowers creators to efficiently manage, share, and analyze their content. Voomly Cloud provides a suite of features that streamline the process of creating, distributing, and monetizing video content.

Platforms like Voomly Cloud have revolutionized digital marketing by offering a range of tools that enhance content creation, including Doodly, Voomly, Pyks, Talkia, People Builder, and Toonly. These platforms have made it easier than ever for brands and individuals to create compelling video content and connect with their audiences in a meaningful way.

Introducing the Tools of the Trade:

Doodly, Voomly, People Builder, Pyks, Talkia, and Toonly!

Crafting captivating stories just got easier, thanks to this powerful suite of tools. Let’s take a closer look at each one:



Digital Marketing in the Wake of the Pandemic


The go-to tool for whiteboard animation that simplifies complex concepts into easy-to-understand videos effortlessly.


Complementing Doodly, it offers additional features for video creation and hosting, ensuring your content reaches a wider audience.

People Builder:

Create custom characters for your Doodly videos in minutes. Tailor their age, gender, skin tone, and more to enhance the relatability and impact of your videos.


Simplify the creation of professional-looking eCovers with stunning templates that impress and potentially boost sales.


Add depth and personality to your videos with voiceovers. Whether it’s narration or character dialogue, Talkia has got you covered.


Bring a touch of whimsy to your content with fun and engaging cartoon-based animations. Perfect for promotional and educational videos.

These tools, part of the Voomly Cloud suite, empower content creators to tell their digital stories and make their brand stand out in the bustling digital world.

Master the Art of Video Content Creation with These Pro Tips:

1. Understand Your Audience: Know their likes, challenges, and needs to create content that speaks directly to them.

2. Keep It Short & Sweet: Grab attention by delivering your main message in as little time as possible.

3. Use Voomly Cloud Tools: Explore the unique features of each tool to take your content to another level.

4. Share Across Platforms: Increase reach by posting your videos on different social media channels, your website, and email campaigns.

5. Make It Interactive: Engage viewers with quizzes, polls, or clickable links.

6. Make It Mobile-Friendly: Optimize your videos for mobile devices to reach a wider audience.

7. Use Storytelling: Add a compelling story to make your content relatable and unforgettable.

8. Focus on Video Quality: Invest in good equipment and editing software to create high-quality, professional-looking videos.

9. Add a Call-to-Action (CTA): Guide viewers on the next steps you want them to take, such as visiting your website or subscribing to a newsletter.

10. Keep Up with Trends: Stay updated to stay relevant and engaging in the ever-changing digital world.

The Future of Content Creation:


Digital Marketing in the Wake of the Pandemic


The future of content creation is here, and it’s all about customization and personalization. Thanks to AI and machine learning, creators can now tailor their content to fit each viewer’s preference, creating more engaging and personalized experiences.

Get ready for the future of content creation! There are some exciting trends on the horizon that are reshaping the way we engage with digital content. Let’s dive in and see what’s in store:

1. Customization with AI:

Thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning, creators can now tailor their content to each individual viewer. This means more personal and engaging experiences that will keep you hooked.

2. Videos are taking over:

It’s true what they say, “A video is worth a million words.” Videos are more dynamic and captivating, and they rule the online world. Platforms like Voomly Cloud are here to help creators shine in this video-centric era.

3. Interactive and AR content:

Get ready for an immersive experience! Interactive videos and augmented reality are on the rise, offering fresh and exciting ways to connect with content.

4. The voice revolution:

Voice assistants and podcasts have skyrocketed in popularity, making audio content more important than ever. Talkia, part of the Voomly Cloud suite, is at the forefront of this audio revolution.

5. Keeping it real and green:

Today’s audiences crave authenticity and eco-friendly practices. Creators need to focus on genuine storytelling and environmentally conscious approaches to win over smart viewers.

6. All-in-one content strategy:

Voomly Cloud integrates seamlessly with other digital marketing tools, providing creators with a comprehensive content creation platform.

In this rapidly changing digital landscape, platforms like Voomly Cloud are leading the way for creators to tell engaging and powerful stories. Their innovative tools and forward-thinking features put them at the forefront of the content creation revolution.

So, are you ready to join the digital revolution? Dive into Voomly Cloud and unlock the potential of next-level content creation. Visit their website today to see what you can achieve with this game-changing platform. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect, teach, and inspire through storytelling.

Digital Marketing in the Wake of the Pandemic

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