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7 Game Changing Customer Acquisition Ideas

Customer Acquisition Ideas


7 Game Changing Customer Acquisition Ideas

Discover 7 game-changing customer acquisition ideas to elevate your brand, fuel growth, and turn clicks into clients. Our guide breaks down proven and time-tested strategies to propel your business to the front of the pack.

Learn how to build anticipation for upcoming launches, increase brand attention, understand your audience’s needs, and encourage customer referrals. This guide provides the exact strategies needed to consistently acquire more customers for both B2B and B2C businesses.

Create Buzz for Your Product Launch

To acquire customers, you need to generate excitement and curiosity about your business and products. Building anticipation for your launches not only creates awareness and FOMO (fear of missing out), but also engages potential customers with your brand.

Discover various ways to build hype and anticipation, such as running a social media countdown. For example, check out Ahrefs’ Twitter countdown for the launch of their freemium software.

Customer Acquisition

Generate Interest with Creative Announcements

Utilize curiosity to get people wondering about your upcoming products. By announcing updates each day and building up to a final day’s announcement, like YETI did for their new gear cases, you can easily build anticipation.

Use play-on-words and creative announcements to highlight the problems your products solve. Offer easy ways for people to get reminded and provide exclusive early bird discounts and bonuses to create a sense of urgency.

Start Early and Keep Your Audience Informed

Establish a unique hashtag for your launch and encourage its use. Offer incentives, such as discounts, for customers who use the hashtag. Provide early bird discounts and exclusive bonuses to create urgency.

Ensure that your audience knows what’s coming, when it’s coming, how to get it, and why they should pay attention. By doing so, your product launches will be more successful.

Launch Limited Edition Products

Capture the excitement and demand of your audience by launching limited edition products. These exclusive items create a sense of scarcity, increasing their perceived value and driving faster purchasing decisions.

For example, Last Crumb successfully promotes their limited edition Cadillac Mojito cookies, appealing to customers who crave something unique and rare.


This strategy is effective across various industries. Cookie brands can offer limited batch flavors each day, online courses can restrict seats to create exclusivity, fashion brands can release limited edition collections, and book publishers can offer signed limited edition copies.

To implement this strategy, clearly communicate the limitations in your marketing and provide real-time updates on product availability. Create dedicated landing pages for each limited edition product and promote them through social media, email, and paid advertising.

Remember, authenticity is key. Avoid faking scarcity, as it will undermine trust with your audience. However, when executed properly, launching limited edition products can be a highly effective way to attract new customers and generate excitement for your brand.

Create Free Resources

Want a powerful way to grab attention, increase subscribers, and convert customers? Offer free resources that provide immediate value to your target audience.

Customer Acquisition

Creating these resources doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by sharing a small portion of your product or service that customers can benefit from on their own. This teaser allows them to experience your offering and increases their desire to become a paying customer for the full experience.

By offering useful tools and resources for free, you build trust and establish your expertise in your industry. For example, ClickFunnels offers a free Profit Margin Calculator that provides immediate value to its audience.

Create an Engaging Quiz or Survey Funnel to Capture Attention and Drive Conversions

Want to captivate your audience and gather invaluable insights about them? Look no further than a quiz or survey funnel. With this strategy, you can not only engage your audience but also gather feedback on their desires, aspirations, and money-spending tendencies. And using ClickFunnels makes it incredibly easy to set up.

Start your free ClickFunnels 2.0 trial now.

As a ClickFunnels member, you can choose from a variety of pre-built survey and quiz funnel templates and customize them to suit your specific needs. Take a look at the example below to see the potential:

Build A Quiz / Survey Funnel

Once a visitor lands on your quiz funnel, they’ll go through a series of steps, from answering the quiz to receiving their personalized results and being guided further through your sales funnel. In the example above, visitors can be directed to your email list, where their results will be sent.

By staying in touch with them via email, you can lead them to relevant sales pages or blog posts, gradually warming them up to the idea of purchasing your products or services.

Quiz funnels are powerful because they tap into psychological drivers. People crave self-discovery and purpose in life. They want to uncover their true desires, capabilities, and sources of inspiration. Quizzes help them find answers to these questions and provide them with a concrete result.

For your business, each survey response is a goldmine of valuable data on customer preferences, needs, and behaviors. This information can be used to tailor your marketing efforts and develop products that specifically address the needs of your target audience.

To see how these funnels fit into the bigger picture, take a look at Ramit Sethi’s “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” quiz funnel example below.

Homepage: Prompting users to take the quiz
Survey: Each question helps users discover their “rich life” while providing valuable feedback to Ramit Sethi
Opt-in: Users input their name and email address to receive their personalized results
Results: Results are emailed directly to the user
In the meantime, users are introduced to Ramit’s low-ticket offers, such as his book on living a rich life and his coaching program on getting paid what you’re worth.

By going through the survey funnel, these engaged users are more likely to be interested in purchasing products or services that help them achieve their goals and solve their problems.

Drive Free Traffic and Acquire Customers with Relevant Content

If you want to attract customers without spending money on ads, it’s essential to create content that appeals to your target audience. By leveraging organic traffic and appearing in Google’s search results, you can drive significant traffic to your website.

For eCommerce brands, even if people are searching for topics related to your products, you can grab their attention with your content and re-engage them later. For example, if someone searches for ways to maintain curly hair, they could find a blog post with tips and a quiz to personalize their hair care routine.

Creating different types of content, such as blog posts, images, videos, podcasts, and more, can guide people through your sales funnel. Start by introducing them to your products and services, then move them toward considering a purchase, and eventually present them with offers and services.

Enhance the Customer Experience with Virtual Reality

Virtual reality experiences are gaining popularity in businesses, providing detailed and interactive product demonstrations. Whether it’s exploring a car’s features or visualizing furniture in their home, customers can have a more informed purchasing decision. IKEA, for example, lets users virtually place furniture in their home through an app and purchase directly from there.

Utilize Referral Programs to Grow Your Customer Base

Referral programs can be a powerful tool to acquire more customers. When satisfied customers have a positive experience, they are more likely to share it with others. By making it easy for them to refer your business, you can leverage their goodwill and generate word-of-mouth business.

Customer Acquisition Ideas

Supercharge Your Business with Referral Programs

Spreading the word about your incredible business just got easier with referral programs. When your customers have an amazing experience, they’re more likely to share it with others. By streamlining the process for them to spread the word, you can harness the positive sentiment they have towards your brand.

For example, take a look at how Casper Mattresses does it:

Receive Rewards for Referrals

When a customer is thrilled with their new mattress, Casper asks them to refer someone. If the referral leads to a purchase, the new customer gets a 25% discount on their mattress and the referring customer receives a $75 Amazon gift card.

You can use this strategy for any type of business. Just look at how Deel does it:

Unlock the Power of Referrals

Deel reminds customers about their referral program through email marketing. They let customers know the benefits of sharing their positive experience with their network.

Referral programs work so well because people trust recommendations from friends. Plus, they help you expand your reach to customers you might not have reached otherwise.

This has a significant impact on consumer behavior, quickly converting newcomers into loyal customers.

To implement a referral program, follow these key steps:

1. Make it easy for your customers to refer your business.

2. Offer incentives for both your customers and their referrals.

3. Promote your referral program to increase awareness.

For a real-life example, let’s check out Uber’s referral program:

Witness the Success of Referrals

Here’s another great example from The Tonic:

Grow Your Brand with Referrals

Pura Vida sends unique referral codes to customers who want to share their brand with a wider audience.

The key to successful referral programs is to provide benefits for your customers and their referrals. These programs are an integral part of your overall customer acquisition strategies. By implementing these strategies, you’ll consistently grow your business and acquire new customers month after month.

To simplify the implementation process, use tools like ClickFunnels 2.0. It can help you build referral program pages, create buzz for product launches, offer limited edition deals, deliver free resources, conduct surveys and quizzes, and even provide virtual reality experiences.

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