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Creating Customer Reviews in Doodly

Customer Reviews in Doodly


Creating Customer Reviews in Doodly

Did you know that customer reviews can make or break your SEO strategy? It’s true! But getting those positive reviews can be a challenge. Luckily, Doodly is here to help. With our easy-to-use whiteboard animation software, you can create videos that showcase the glowing feedback from your satisfied customers.

Why are reviews so important? Well, they help potential customers understand why they should choose your product over the competition. And what better way to showcase those reviews than through an engaging video? With Doodly, you can bring your customer reviews to life and make a lasting impression on your audience.

Before you dive in, let’s go over some best practices for managing customer reviews:

Consolidate your data: Keep track of all your reviews and feedback in one place. Whether you use software or a simple excel file, make sure you have a system in place to capture and update your data. And don’t forget to ask for permission before sharing any reviews online!

Customer Reviews in Doodly

Don’t clutter your screen: When creating your whiteboard animation, avoid cramming all the reviews into one scene. Instead, break them up into multiple scenes or showcase 2-3 reviews per scene. This makes it easier for viewers to read and keeps your presentation tidy.

Customer Reviews in Doodly

Avoid the rush: If you have longer reviews, don’t squeeze them into one scene where viewers might miss the details. Instead, consider dividing the review into parts using the same characters or add extra time at the end of the scene. This ensures your audience has enough time to read and appreciate the feedback.

Remember, not every review will be positive, and that’s okay. Use any negative feedback as an opportunity to improve your service. Just make sure to address any issues raised and focus on showcasing your glowing testimonials.

So, what are you waiting for? Start creating captivating customer review videos with Doodly today and watch your business soar!

Discover Effective Ways to Present Customer Reviews Using Doodly

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Are you looking for unique ways to showcase customer reviews in your videos? Look no further! With Doodly, you can easily create captivating and engaging content that will grab your audience’s attention. Check out these exciting ideas:

1. Showcasing 5-Star Excellence

Start by drawing 5 stars, accompanied by a charming Doodly character. Then, include the customers’ comments and bring the illustration to life with another Doodly character. Adjust the animation duration for each asset to create a perfect visual flow.

2. Add Colorful Sparkle

Bring your assets to life with Doodly’s rainbow feature and let a cartoon hand draw your character. If you don’t have this feature, don’t worry! You can import your own colored character. Instead of drawing the 5 stars, make them appear one by one on the screen. Simply set the asset animation to “None” in the asset settings.

3. Skip the Hand Drawing

If you prefer a more clean and modern look, disable the hand that usually draws your presentation. Easily do this by selecting “NO HAND” from the hand style options in either the video or scene settings.

4. Embrace the Comic Style

Perfect for longer feedback or reviews, the comic style adds a unique touch to your videos. Create a scene with your chosen character and add a speech bubble. Duplicate the scene for each new feedback and update the text inside the speech bubble.

5. Make it Authentic with Images

With the customer’s permission, import their image into Doodly and place it next to their review. By showcasing real people, you’ll add authenticity and credibility to your video.

6. Bring Your Character to Life

For a personal touch, import your own animated image and place it next to the text review, including the reviewer’s name. Consider creating a cartoon character that resembles your buyer’s persona.

In addition to JPG and PNG files, you can also use GIFs to add more animation to your videos.

And there you have it!

These tips are just the beginning. Feel free to experiment and unleash your creativity with Doodly. The possibilities are endless! Before we wrap up, check out our sample customer review video created using Doodly. Happy Doodling! 🙂

Customer Reviews in Doodly

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