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Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club | What It Takes To Build A 7 Figure Funnel

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Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club | What It Takes To Build A 7 Figure Funnel

A business owner’s number one goal is to have their business making a profit,– Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club can help. Many business owners want their business to keep growing so they can expand or invest in other businesses. One way to do this is through a sales funnel, which involves using different tools to increase sales and help your business make a profit. There are strategies and tools that a business can use to improve its sales funnel enough to create seven figures in profits. One way to do this is to use Clickfunnels and become a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club, which you can become a part of once you create a seven-figure sales funnel by using top-level strategies.

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What is The Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club?

Becoming Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member can be good for your businesses because it means you have a seven-figure sales funnel, but you may be unfamiliar with this club. The purpose of becoming a member is to motivate you to create a seven-figure funnel so that your business grows at a fast pace. Clickfunnels is a service that provides you with tools to improve your sales funnel and to become a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member. Clickfunnels provides tools, strategies, and a coaching program that gives you the best opportunity to create a top-level sales funnel for your business. This can be extremely useful for business owners seeking to create sales funnels that generate a million or more in profits.

There are business owners who want to create a million-dollar-plus sales funnel and Clickfunnels is a good service to achieve that goal. Becoming a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member is an even better way to achieve this goal, but you may be wondering how to do this. All you have to do is to use the service Clickfunnels provides for your sales funnel and have your sales funnel to generate a million or more in sales. Becoming a member is a simple idea and gives you the motivation to reach the goal of creating a seven-figure sales funnel. It is important to understand what Clickfunnels is because it is the first step towards joining the Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club.


What is Clickfunnels and its Features?clickfunnels 2 comma club

Sales funnels can be an important part of your business, and it is a strategy that can help your business generate more profits. Clickfunnels is one of the many sales funnel services that you can use, and it has many tools that are designed to help your business create better sales funnel. The tools and features that Clickfunnels provides can help you with different aspects of your sales funnel. These tools and features make it easier for you to create a successful sales funnel for your business and generate more sales. They have five major tools to assist you in creating a successful sales funnel so that your business can receive more sales that will lead to a bigger profit.


Actionetics is a messaging feature that allows you to communicate with your customers through many platforms so that you do not require a separate tool for each platform. This is an important feature that can help you build a better relationship with your customers by improving the way your business communicates with them. Actionetics allows you to target specific customers by letting you build different lists to send out specific messages, follow-up messages, and broadcasts to subscribers. The first aspect of this feature is that you can build smart lists, which involves you creating criteria for each list, and it automatically finds people who fit the criteria and puts them on the list. The next step is to create a follow-up funnel that sends out emails, text messages, or direct mail to subscribers with information relevant to what list they are on.

Related: Builderall vs. Clickfunnels

Actionetics allows you to edit the emails that are sent out through your follow-up funnel to make sure the correct information is sent to the right subscribers. This tool has real-time lead scoring where you can view the action score for each customer to determine the most valuable customers to target. Another step for this tool is having the ability to send out broadcasts to some of all of your subscribers in the form of emails. You can also check out your communication statistics to see if there are any adjustments that you need to make. All these aspects allow your business to communicate with a large number of its customers with information specific to their needs.


The backpack is a feature that lets you create your affiliate programs that will help promote your business and scale it the way you want. Affiliate programs are advertising for your products or services that you can pay for once the traffic your business receives becomes a sale. This is a great way for you to make sure you do not waste money on an affiliate program because you do not have to pay for it if does not create sales. You can make sure your business is spending efficiently on promoting your products and pick the affiliate program that will maximize your profits. The Backpack feature lets you determine the percentage you will pay affiliates and you can come up with a commission plan.

You can create different types of affiliates such as regular affiliates, Super affiliates, Launch affiliates, JV Partners, Friends, and Family, etc. This gives your business much more flexibility to determine how to pay for every affiliate program depending on your relationship with each one. There are a few other ways that this feature can help your business with one giving you the ability to add an affiliate program to the funnel you want by adding two pages to that funnel. Another step with Backpack is for you to create an affiliate area center where your affiliates can view promotional material you provide so it is easier for them to promote your products. There is also an affiliate dashboard where you can check statistics to determine which affiliates are doing the best and you can pay your affiliates.


Funnel Builder and Page Editor

The Funnel Builder and Page Editor allow you to customize your sales funnel and page to fit the needs of your business. You can edit your page by first selecting a template design that will determine what your funnel will look like depending on the needs of your business. There are four structures that make up the design to help you customize your funnel including sections, rows, columns, and elements. You can add page elements, such as a step order form or a pricing table, by clicking and dragging them to wherever you want on the page. There are editing tools provided for you to make your funnel even more customizable such as custom CSS, paddling adjustment, color adjustment, etc.

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There is a checklist with every task you must do to get your page up and there is a test to make sure your page works before it goes up. This feature also includes a mobile version of your page that can be edited to fit the needs of your funnel. There are many page templates that they provide you with including opt-in pages, sales pages, order form pages, upsell pages, webinar event pages, and membership sites. These are the six different page templates to choose from that will all help you with a specific need in your sales funnel and they can all be edited to your needs.

Page Templates

The page templates that Clickfunnels has are an important part of their service that will help with your sales funnel. The six-page templates are opt-in pages, sales pages, order form pages, upsell pages, webinar event pages, and membership sites. You can choose any template you want, but you may be wondering how to determine the one that will benefit your business the most. Each of these templates fits a different need for a business, so it is important you choose the one that will fit the needs of your business the best. You must go through each one to learn more about them, so you understand their purpose and the benefits they provide.

Opt-in Pages

One of the templates Clickfunnels has is an Opt-in page, which is their version of an opt-in page that you can use for your business. Opt-in pages are a landing page with the sole purpose of trying to convince site visitors to subscribe to an email list. An email list can be useful for customers looking to receive updates on new products that your business has or any special offers you have. You can convince visitors to subscribe to your email list with a proper opt-in page, which will create more sales for your business.clickfunnels 2 comma club

Sales Page

A sales page is another type of template that Clickfunnels offers with their service and it can fit the needs of your business if you want more purchases from customers. The purpose of a sales page is to encourage visitors to your business website to make a purchase, which is good for your business. This is a page that can be useful if you are looking for a way to increase the number of sales your business receives. Clickfunnels makes creating a sales page easier because it is a template that you can edit easily to put your product and any useful information about it. Customers would have access to the product you sell and information about it, so they are more likely to buy it.

Order Form Page

An orders form page is another template that you can choose from with the funnel builder and page editor feature that Clickfunnels has. As its name suggests, it is the page that your customers will use whenever they are making purchasing products or services from your business websites. It is crucial for your business to have this page because it is the page that customers will use to make a purchase. It is important that this page is easy for your customers to use, so they do not become frustrated with it and end up not making a purchase. The template for this page can give you a good starting point to use when creating a page to make the purchasing experience better for your customers.

Upsells Page

The upsells page template that Clickfunnels offers can help you get more than one purchase from a customer at one time. The purpose of this kind of page is to get customers to add more products or services to order, so they increase the amount of money they spend on an order. It is good for your business to have a customer purchase a product or service, but it is even better to have them make more than one purchase in an order. This can be a useful page to increase the profits your business is receiving, which makes it useful to use this template. Clickfunnels makes creating this page easier for you so that you can have customers ordering more from your business.

Webinar Events Page

The webinar event page is a useful template you can use, which can help you give customers information about any webinars your business has. The purpose of this page is to show customers a schedule of any upcoming webinars your business has including information about each webinar. A webinar is an online seminar that people can attend from any location with an internet connection and a computer or any smart device. The purpose of a webinar is to allow people to have online discussions or to attend a training event with the ability to see the audio, documents, or slides presented. You can create a page that your customers can see the upcoming webinars you have, which can increase the chances people will attend.

Membership Site Page

The final template that Clickfunnels provides is for a membership site, which allows your customers to join a membership that your business offers. A membership site is the part of your website that offers a membership that your customers can use to receive special content. It is a membership that your customers can subscribe to for a monthly or yearly fee in exchange for special features. It’s important that you make sure your membership desirable with good special offers on your products or a useful service, which makes it more likely customers will subscribe. It is important to make this part of your website easy to use so that it is convenient for your customers, and it is why a template can be useful.


Pypeline is a tool coming soon and it will help your sales funnel to create more site visitors that will make a purchase. It is a customer relationship management or CRM program that assists you in turning potential customers from a visitor to a buyer. According to, the old definition of CRM was the tools, strategies, or processes that could organize and access customer data. CRM systems now referred to platforms that connect different departments by giving them access to real-time customer data and they can organize notes, activities, etc. Pypeline is Clickfunnels’ version of this that will give your business up to date customer data you can use to determine the best strategies to convince people to make a purchase.


Wasabi is another tool that is coming soon, which will allow you to pick a membership site template. This will give you a place to upload content and training material. With this site, you can give people access to the information you offer that can inform them about your business or products. This site can be edited to include the information you want to share. This will be another tool that will improve your sales funnel by giving people information that will increase your brand awareness, which will lead to an increase in sales.

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Clickfunnels Pricing

They offer a 14-day free trial with two plans to choose from. One plan is the Startup plan for $97 per month and the other is an Etison Suite plan for $297 per month, which gives you unlimited access to most of their features. ClickFunnels is a service that gives you all the features you would need to help with your sales funnel. Using this service is the first step in becoming a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member.

Top Related Post: Clickfunnels Examples

How to Become a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club Member?clickfunnels 2 comma club

Now that you understand what Clickfunnels is and what they can offer your business, it is important that you understand what you can gain from becoming a 2 Comma Club member. There are strategies that you can learn about and extra tools you can use that can help you build a seven-figure funnel. Using Clickfunnels and all the features they provide is the first strategy towards building a seven-figure funnel for your business. This will improve your business in several ways so that your company can be more efficient, communicate better with customers, understand what customers want, and offer better memberships. Utilizing every part of the click funnels service so that you can improve multiple aspects of your business is important for a seven-figure funnel.

The first step towards using Clickfunnels is signing up for their services, which involves choosing between the two plans they offer. You must decide the plan that best fits your business but choosing the one that offers the most features would be best if you want a seven-figure funnel. You must use all the features that they provide you with once you’re signed up, so you can maximize the benefits your sales funnel will receive by using their service. It would be beneficial for your business to use their page templates and create one page for each type to improve multiple aspects of your business website. Doing these three steps would be the first major part of your goal to achieve a seven-figure funnel and become a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member.

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Clickfunnels Blog

Another useful tool that you can use to build a seven-figure funnel is to use the Clickfunnels blog to read hundreds of articles that can give you different strategies and marketing techniques. Learning about the best funnel strategies and techniques can make you more informed on the subject so that you can improve your business. This can be useful because you can learn about numerous different funnel ideas so that you can pick and choose the best ones to apply to your sales funnel. You can try different strategies or techniques that you read about to see the ones that work and the ones that do not work. This will allow you to figure out what will benefit your sales funnel the most, so your business can earn more sales from potential and current customers.

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Clickfunnels Coaching Program

There is a coaching program that Clickfunnels provides you with that can help you build a successful sales funnel for your business and join Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club. This coaching program will give you access to valuable information that you can use to discover even more strategies you can use, and you can pick the ones that you believe will work the best for your sales funnel. They offer two different coaching plans that will fit the needs of your business, which gives you the flexibility to choose the one you want. They have a Home Study version and an Intensive In-Person Workshop version of this coaching program that includes some different services. You can figure out the services that you think will be the most beneficial to your sales funnel, so you can choose the plan you want.

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Home Study

The Home Study version of the Clickfunnels coaching program gives you access to five different tools that can give you useful information about sales funnels.

    • Secrets Masterclass
    • Spy for Profits
    • Weekly Coaching Accountability Calls
    • Private Discussion Group
  • 2 Comma Club Members Behind the Scenes

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The Secrets Masterclass is an eight-module course that is meant to teach you secret strategies you can use for your sales funnel. Spy for Profits is a class they call Funnel Hacking 201, which gives you useful information about the best ways to quickly improve your sales final. You receive six months of access to their Weekly Coaching Accountability Calls Service that gives you even more useful information for your sales funnel. This plan offers six months of access to the Private Discussion Group, which is a discussion group with other business owners who you can talk with about sales funnels to discover different ideas that you can use for your own. With the 2 Comma Club Members Behind the Scenes, you will gain access to behind the scenes information about current members of the club that can be useful to your sales funnel.

Intensive In-Person Workshop

The Intensive In-Person Workshop is the other plan that Clickfunnels offers, which includes the five services that the Home Study version contains along with two additional ones. The only difference in the five services from the Home Study version is that you gain access to weekly coaching for 12 months. The two additional services you gain access to with this plan are Fill Your Funnel+Traffic Secrets and an invitation to their Funnel-Hack-A-Thon. Fill Your Funnel+Traffic Secrets is a service that provides you with information on what to put in your sales funnel and ways to increase traffic to your business website. Their Funnel-Hack-A-Thon is a three-day event you can attend to learn about different strategies that will help your sales funnel.

See Also: Clickfunnels Alternatives

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Types of Businesses that are in the 2 Comma Club

Being a member of Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club is beneficial because it means you have created a seven-figure funnel by using the services Clickfunnels provides. There are numerous members of this club who have many different businesses and you can view every member on the Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club website. This can be useful to you because this can give you an idea of just how many businesses can build a seven-figure sales funnel. The members of Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club include businesses in areas such as real estate, health, marketing, finance, publishing, and much more. It can be useful to go through some of the members to see if there are any individuals who have a similar business to your own.

Health Examples

Brandon and Kaelin are members of Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club who runs a weight-loss business for women called LadyBoss. They were able to create a sales funnel that could reach more women seeking a weight loss program so that they could help more women. James Kunitz created a sales funnel for his business called Figure 8 Fitness, which produces fitness videos and TV infomercials. He was able to create a sales funnel for his business by using video sales advertisements on different social media platforms. This shows video ads can be a powerful tool for a sales funnel and putting them on social media can increase the number of people who see your ads.

Chris Matthews is a part of Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club who runs a chain of private weight loss clinics in the UK called Silverlink Clinics, which help people lose weight. It is beneficial to his company that he was able to create a seven-figure funnel through Clickfunnels so that he can reach more patients that his clinics can help. Jaret Grossman and Richard Allen are two more club members who run a company called Muscle Prodigy that helps people with their fitness and nutrition. They have a big reach; their brand has millions of followers and thousands of customers throughout the world. Their seven-figure funnel created using Clickfunnels has helped them expand their reach even more, which means you can do the same with a similar business.

Brian Wolf runs the Institute of Nutritional Leadership and is another Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member who has a successful sales funnel. His business provides people with holistic health services, and it is important that he can reach the correct clients that are interested in what his company provides. Two more Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club members involved with the holistic health industry are Evan Tardy who runs Healing Leaky Guy and Michael Danner who runs Eat Dirt. They are both under the brand called Dr. Axe and they both have successful sales funnel that they created through Clickfunnels. This shows that you can create a seven-figure sales funnel if you have a health company that caters to a specific type of healthcare that people are interested in.

Marketing Examples

Scott Rogers is the first example of a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member who has a business in the marketing industry and it is called Vision Marketing International. His company offers information about marketing where his customers can choose from a free membership or a subscription membership. It is important for a business like his to have a sales funnel geared towards increasing memberships, and the Clickfunnels membership site template can help with this. Tim Lyons has a company called ProFit Marketing Solutions that assists gym and personal training businesses in using Clickfunnels and digital marketing strategies to gain more clients. It is beneficial that he was able to build a seven-figure funnel for his business using Clickfunnels, which shows his customers that they can do the same.

Another marketing company that is a part of Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club is Frontline Marketer, which is owned by Jon Penberthy. It teaches people how to receive more traffic for their businesses with strategies including social media marketing and video marketing. His sales funnel has allowed his business to become a member of this club and to have a successful sales funnel, so his business can help other business owners reach more customers. David Asarnow runs a company called Business Nitrogen, which helps other business owners receive more organic traffic by using advanced funnel marketing methods. This shows that there are businesses in the Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club with the purpose of helping other businesses gain more traffic and sales.

Another individual in the Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member is Joe Macon who owns Jjbs-venture, which is a social media agency. This company assists small businesses in getting more customers and increase sales through social media. He created a successful sales funnel that can reach more small business owners and his company can be valuable to those businesses. Frank Rocca has a business called Facebook Marketing, which helps business owners understand Facebook marketing and gives them digital marketing training. There are a few businesses in the club that provide other businesses to help with social media marketing, and it is a type of company that can have a successful sales funnel.

Product Examples

Jason Caine is a member of the Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club who has a business called 1st Phorm, which creates sports nutrition products. He created a successful sales funnel by using Clickfunnels so he was able to reach more customers interested in buying sports nutrition products. Jason Fladlien runs a business called Rapid Crush Inc., and he uses Clickfunnels for his sales funnels for the multiple products his company provides. His business sells physical products to Amazon, digital goods to businesses, info products to businesses, services, and consulting. It is important for a business like this to use the sales page, order form page, and upsells page templates offered by Clickfunnels.

A Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member by the name of Kim Shell has a business called Click Shop CDA that sells niche physical items. Having a successful sales funnel for a business that sells products geared towards a specific interest can make it easier to reach the correct customers. Two more members are Tim and Diana Uittenbroek, who own a business called Dalexa Limited that sells physical products. They gain customers with many strategies including using different paid traffic channels, selling programs, and sending offers through emails. You must use multiple strategies like they do to create a successful funnel to reach a wider audience to sell your products to.

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Michael Devlin is in the Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club with a business called Profits Engine that sells physical products on Amazon. He says he uses Clickfunnels to create sales funnels that lead to the products he sells on Amazon so that he can get more sales. Mohammad Al Amin and Tuhin Parvez both run a company called Paarko Global, and they use Clickfunnels to help sell their physical products across the world. Clickfunnels is one of the tools they used to help their business with payment gateways, control how their business spent, and more. This shows that sales funnels can be useful in improving sales just by helping with basic aspects of a business like how customers pay.

Publishing Examples

Merlin Holmes is a Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club member with a publishing company called 5280 Publishing, LLC. His business offers free+shipping for physical products, upsells, and moving customers to digital membership sites. His sales funnel was successful because he offers a service that encourages customers to use his business and to use Clickfunnels for the upsells and membership site templates. Another member involved in the publishing industry is Rob Kosberg who has a company called Best Seller Publishing that helps its customers publish, promote, and profit off of books they want to make. He created this using Clickfunnels to create a seven-figure sales funnel, which naturally expanded his client base who are seeking publishing services.

Real Estate Examples

There are several members of Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club who have businesses that are in the real estate industry. Joe McCall is one member who has a real estate investing business called Real Estate Investing Mastery that provides people podcasts, products, coaching, and marketing services. It is interesting that a business with the purpose of giving people information can create a seven-figure funnel just by using the services provided by Clickfunnels. Shawn Lynam is another member who runs Real Estate Marketing University, which provides strategic education for people going into the real estate industry. This would mean organizations that provide a real estate education, they must have a sales funnel that displays the type of education people can receive.

Mike Gazzola and Matt Behdjou are two members who have a business called, which provides a few services including real estate training for people. This shows that you can have a business that provides services in multiple areas and build a successful sales funnel, so you do not have to limit your business to one area to get in this club. Andy Werner and Chris Eymann have a business called REI Ground School that provides a local real estate investment education, and they used Clickfunnels for a part of their website. They said they use Facebook ads that link back to a landing page provided by Clickfunnels, which has an offer for a free two-hour seminar. You can use a funnel to put ads on social media that can lead people to a landing page where you can give them special offers, so they will be more likely to choose your business.

Josh Schoenly and Jeff Logue are two more members who run a company called Client Alchemist that provides digital marketing training and software for real estate agents. They used Clickfunnels to create a successful sales funnel for their business, which means they earned more profits because of the sales that their funnel produced. Josh Rhodes and Sam Hill have a business called Big Lead Gen., INC that provides services and coaching for mortgage brokers, insurance agents, and real estate agents. The coaching services they provide involves digital marketing and ways to create more leads for niche verticals. They provide specific information to people in three different industries and it is important that their sales funnel brought in more people seeking what they provide.

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