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Internet Millionaire Secrets: Earn Up To $1,000 Commissions Per Sale Like Our 7 and 8-Figure Clients

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Internet Millionaire Secrets: Earn Up To $1,000 Commissions Per Sale Like Our 7 and 8-Figure Clients

Internet Millionaire Secrets: What separates the successful top online income earners from the people who are struggling to make their very first sale online? Is it something that they know? Is it maybe some sort of skills that they have or maybe it’s a special tool that gives them the cutting edge over everybody else?

I’m Milana and if you’re not finding the success you want, keep watching because we’re here to reveal the secrets of the super successful here in Revere Maya.

Something incredible is happening right along this coast. We’re here for a very exclusive in by the only event called platinum summit where a hundred of the top online income earners at ClickBank have been invited to enjoy these beautiful Sandy beaches and crystal clear blue water.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

These high-income earners are collectively making hundreds of millions of dollars per year. These people get to enjoy the freedom they want to travel, to work from anywhere they want, and to just really enjoy the lifestyle, doing what they’re passionate about.

We’ve invited them here to network, to learn to grow together. We do this every year, but this year is really special. Why? Because for the first time ever we’re sharing their secrets and strategies with you.

Here at ClickBank, we’re on a mission to create the next wave of online income earners and that could be you. Here’s my partner, Justin, to tell you all about the opportunity. Hey,

My name is Justin Allen. I help had ClickBank university and we’ve already taught almost a hundred thousand students how to find success on the internet and I’m really pumped up to be here because we’re going to be uncovering in the next couple of days the secrets of the success of the ultra-successful, the clients here that are making so much money doing what they love and being able to live a lifestyle that most people only dream of.

I’ve been lucky enough to be featured in the white house for being one of the top 100 young entrepreneurs in the USA being written upon sin and money, Yahoo finance and a ton more even made a documentary about the new lifestyle of working on the internet called which premiered in Hollywood. That was really cool, but I’m really passionate about helping you find success.


On ClickBank today. We’re going to actually interview people and talk through the things that are working best in their business and what advice they would give to you was just getting started as well as kind of an insider’s view on some of that successful strategy that they’re using right now to rake in millions of dollars. So let’s go ahead.

We meet some of the multi-millionaire earners on ClickBank, it’s important for you to know that they’re not alone. Here at the platinum summit, there are over a hundred really huge earners who are generating so much money and we’re able to hang out together, maybe hang out by the beach, by the pool, go on some adventures, go snorkeling, dance away, eat at fine dining restaurants around this Austin resort.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

It’s all great and fine, but the important thing is that people on ClickBank are making money and a lot of people are over 100,000 people have found success on ClickBank who helped a thousand people make over $1 million, which is one of my personal favorite statistics and we’ve paid out over three-point $5 billion to our clients. So that is amazing.

And everyone here, when we look at the successful people, they have different backgrounds.

They grew up during different generations, they had different struggles and yet they all overcame them to find similar success and be this pinnacle of online leaders and we’re really excited to talk to them and impart their wisdom on you.

Now, something important to know is that they also had different motivations.

When we talk to them, we’ve learned that motivation is one of the biggest driving forces because it pushes people to take action and keep taking action when things aren’t going so well, which often that’s how they start out. So you need to figure out what is your motivation.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

You know, we have people here that their motivation was to have enough money to not have to worry about the bank taking their house away so they have a nice recurring amount to pay their mortgage or pay their bills or save up for retirement or pay off student loans or help their kids go to college.

What are your motivations? I want you to think about this while we go through this video because that’s what’s gonna really give you that power and that force to find success online and continue driving your path.

Maybe one thing to think about, and this is something I’m really passionate about, is that click that gives people time. All right? Time is not a renewable resource.

It’s not like money where you can just get more of it when you spend more of it with time, what you spend is gone forever and every second that goes by you’re losing it. Clip allows you to have more time, okay?

If you think about it, you know, being able to build an online income stream that allows you to spend time traveling if that’s what you want to do, or spend time with your family, with your friends, spending time the way you want it.

Having that freedom to do it is the most exciting thing for me. And that’s really what motivated me to build this online income that I’ve been able to achieve. So where do you fit in as far as the way you’re thinking out of all of this right now?

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

It’s better than ever to build a business online or just build an income online. There are no more gatekeepers. You can reach millions of people with your message using the internet without needing those things at a typical business needed right back in the day.

You need to have a location of brick and mortar place. You have to hire salespeople, you have to have crazy insurance and liability and inventory and stock of everything and worry about shipping and all this stuff that you don’t have to worry about anymore, which is absolutely amazing.

And what we’re going to actually talk about and to kind of tease you a little bit here it is. In the next few days, we’re going to be talking about a system that allows you to earn a pretty crazy amount of money in generating high commissions like the pros do.

We figured out by being here at ClickBank and getting all this Intel of all these thousands and thousands of transactions that happen every day to learn what’s working and what’s not.

And we’re really seeing this divide between the people that are fighting super high levels of success and those people that aren’t finding the success that they want. There are certain roadblocks that are natural barriers that are stopping people from finding that ultra high-level tier of success.

And we’ve figured out a way to get rid of those. So I’m really excited about that. That’s gonna actually happen on a ClickBank breaks the internet workshop event, that’s what we’re calling it click.

They breaks the internet because it’s going to break the internet for all marketers everywhere. So you’re gonna want to make sure you register for that below this video.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

You know, here at ClickBank and ClickBank university as being one of the head creators of it, we’ve helped teach 70,000 plus people how to find success online.

And that’s been awesome and we’ve learned so much from them, but we’ve been able to create a system that helps destroy a lot of the roadblocks that were previously in place.

So we’re really excited about that. Now if you haven’t had the success you want yet, you know, don’t worry, it takes the right mentors, it takes the right knowledge, it takes the right tools, the right support to really have those breakthroughs. So when we’re talking to the people here, a lot of them actually were really open, which is absolutely amazing to us.

They were really open mostly in private discussions about the struggles that they faced when they were just getting started. Everyone faced struggles times that they doubted themselves, that they weren’t sure if they could do it.

And so if you’re in that place right now, if you haven’t found the success that you want, please keep watching. Please don’t give up. Everyone’s been through it, especially myself. I know what it’s like to really try to work hard at something and not have that final missing piece.

So we’re going to try to uncover that for you and put the pieces of the puzzle together for you. You’re here because you made the decision that you want to live a life that’s different, right? You don’t want to be kind of a slave to that nine to five grind, the feeling of being a hamster on a wheel and never really kind of going anywhere.

You know that there’s something better out there for you and you see all these people out here finding this success and that’s why we’re super excited for that training that I was talking to you about where you’re going to learn how to earn an income like the pros do because you’re not going to have those newbie roadblocks in place.

Everyone we talked to here has had slightly different paths to success, but I want you to really focus on three main things that these people really have ingrained in them and they know that’s responsible for their at least initial success.

And what is that? Well, the first thing is self belief. You have to believe in yourself. You have to trust in yourself. You have to invest in yourself or else you’re not gonna really get anywhere.

Now the second thing is to focus on what works. Okay? So learning from others on what works and focusing on that so you could grow it and scale it. Now the third thing is to just not give up.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

Because what happens is when you’re scaling, when you’re growing, when you see what works and you try to emulate it, it might not work out exactly the way you planned or you hoped, and you had these expectations, and it might be just, you might be almost there.

You just have to make one more turn and you’re there finding success. So the third thing is to not give up and stay true on your past. So well, everyone here had different struggles and different motivations. They share the same principles for success.

Now let’s go ahead and listen to them and check them out. We asked them, what would you recommend to a complete newbie as advice to start being [inaudible].

Hi, I’m Susan Bratton. I am the trusted hot sex advisor to millions and the CEO of personal life media. I’ve been with ClickBank for nearly a decade and but one to buy give you, if you’re just getting into business is to put all your attention on a single funnel. Just build one funnel and keep refining it.

Learn how to do split tests, look for copy hooks and ideas. Use a lot of curiosity to get people engaged and look at different pictures and illustrations for your page. Just keep working that scene.

Just keep going for that one thing and pretty soon you’ll have something that really appeals to a wide audience and starts to make you money.

If I give a base of advice, it would be to start with a simple solution and that’s why I do that. I started with no knowledge in the field whatsoever and you know I was signed up half an hour later so I didn’t have to worry too much about the technical high speeds on bet. Having a business I could just give out designing side trying to make some money.

The number one piece of advice would be not to give up. When you first started in marketing can be frustrating. It’s not always going to go awesome at first. I think it needs to kind of practice, practice, practice to a lot of things.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

But really just can’t give up. I mean, I started out and it took me a good six months to a year to really get some traction. But I think at the end of the day if you don’t quit and work hard you just get after it, you’re going to be successful. So it always comes down to just not quitting.

It’s a lot of things I would say to somebody that’s just starting internet marketing. But one of the things that we really advise someone who’s just starting right now is to focus. Why? Because right now we live in a world that there’s too many distractions.

Right now you have a cell phone with a lot of social media applications. You want to know what’s going on with your with your grandma, with your ex partner or anything, your phone, what’s up.

She got text messages. So right now to focus in you and your business will be one of the best things that I would advise someone that just starting into money. My advice to someone just starting out is determination. Believing in yourself and consistency. When you’re starting something new, it’s hard to, to see it through to the end.

And that that takes a month or a year to find that determination can be trying, especially if you have naysayers in your life and maybe your significant other doesn’t believe that you can do it. That’s, that’s the key is actually following through

My number one piece of advice. MindProgram. Find an affiliate program that you’re passionate about, finding an affiliate program that you get behind, but you can recommend to your friends and family.

Find the affiliate program, but to 100% fully believe it. Because if you don’t believe in the product you’re selling, you’re not going to be able to sell it. Well. You’re not going to be able to be successful.

And it, you know, a lot of people, a lot of people limit themselves. You know, they, they start affiliate marketing and they promote products they don’t fully endorse but they do it because they believe they can make some money doing it.

But what I’ve seen time after time after time, because I’ve been involved in this industry for quite a few years and I’ve seen a lot of affiliates come and go, is that affiliates to promote products they don’t really believe in.

You know, they might, some of them might make no money. Some of them like make a lot of money but they end up shifting and they ended up pivoting away because they either because they had too much success of add to what’s available, but they don’t believe in the product. So you need to start with the product.

So my number one piece of advice for someone starting the internet marketing is that is to partner up with someone more expert than you or having someone that you don’t personally have some added value with can find someone out so you can partner with them, with them and create the product or something together so you can joint venture your strength and then create something that is more valuable for your community.

Then you can have more kind of exchange of expertise. So if you’re new or you do not know something specifically about video marketing or social media, you have someone more expert in, you know now,

Although the feedback from those millionaires and the ultra hires on ClickBank seems to really simple and seems obvious, trust me, it’s profound and I want you to really pay attention to it.

These are people that have made so much money on the internet. Most people can only dream of it. Now, next we’re going to talk to two of my friends and clients on ClickBank that I found so much success. They’ve agreed to do a sit down, a discussion about the success that they’re finding and maybe some insights that you can use for yourself.

Now, if you checked out the free report that we had you already met jr, you already met Brian and you learned how they make thousand dollar commissions. So hopefully you can too. Let’s go talk to them.

J R Fisher and have a couple of different companies. One of them being SurvivalCaveFood, which is a swell food company. And I also have courses that teach people in eCommerce.

You definitely want to be an affiliate because there’s so many great offers out there. White just sell your own. Why not sell some other great ones? I literally did not have a plan at all.

So if you don’t have a plan, don’t worry about it. I started off selling cell phone cases online and did not do well at it, but that got me in the door and it got me learning things.

And that’s really the key is you get to kind of get in the door, you gotta start trying things. And if you do, you’ll, you’ll come across something good. I mean, they’re out there.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

What kind of advice would you give people that are maybe struggling and so they can kind of relate and see the light at the end of the tunnel?

I can really relate to struggle. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing at the beginning, you know, I kid around but I couldn’t even send emails. Well, when I first started off when I found that forward in reply button on my email, I thought, Holy crap, it’s going to save me so much time.

Cause I was copying and pasting everybody’s emails. Wow. So that was my level of technical expertise. And like I said, my first product, I did not do well, cell phone cases, but it led me to all the other products that you can get in there and kind of get your feet wet.

You’ll find some stuff. That’s how it works. Don’t worry if you don’t have a plan, you know get some training and get started because I know I didn’t have a plan, I just knew I wanted to make some money online.

So everybody thinks they gotta find the perfect product, the perfect, perfect thing where to get going and have everything set up and everything lined up and there’s no perfect time.

pThere’s no perfect plan to do that. You just need to get started. If you get started, you’ll come across stuff because it exposes you to everything that’s out there. But if you don’t get started, you won’t see any of those opportunities.

That’s awesome. I’m, I think you’re the same way and we’re passionate about helping other people because we’ve struggled to figure it out ourselves and have been lucky enough to find tons of success doing it.

And now the next step is kind of to like share it, you know, that’s, that’s the way it should be. So one thing I also wanted to talk to you about, cause I know you’re doing this a lot in the background and we’ve promoted your products also through webinars. Oh my God. Webinars and also just awesome. Awesome. and I’ll tell you what a webinar really is. It’s to help people,

You know, it’s not just to sell somebody a product. Now, you know, they, they buy my products because of my webinars, but it’s, it’s not a matter of me getting on their say, buy, buy, buy.

It’s a matter of saying here this works. And they can actually apply it that day and get results. And the funny thing is if you help people by giving them results, they do it by your product.

Yeah. That’s awesome. You’re doing, you’re doing that. Yeah. I think webinars or using something that a lot of marketing doesn’t use, that’s kind of the factor of like reciprocity and giving value and going through some real good content that people can absorb during the webinar.

And then once you have something for sale at the end of it and they realize, wow, I’ve learned so much for free, you know, and I have all this trust and I’ve been on this webinar for an hour.

Building a relationship with a webinar presenter, it’s very easy to have them want to jump into that next step, joining the court to do this webinars in the right format and getting them set up the right way. That’s critical too. You can just get on there and ramble on. You’ve got to have a plan to go. No power. Yeah. There seems to be, this formula definitely is a formula.

We’ve really been figuring out, you know, these different sequences lead up to the pitch and then that’s when everyone gets to join and creates a huge amount of sales all at one time all live.

And knowing that that process and knowing those steps and getting it from somebody who’s already done a webinar or like you’ve done webinars, I have to, you know, mix it so much easier because you don’t have to go through all those trials and tribulations and mistakes and not saying the right thing at the right time, you know, just get it from somebody who’s already done webinars. Yeah, definitely.

And I think another really cool thing, and this is pretty much all we’re doing on our side, is when we’re promoting products, we’re asking vendors to have a webinar and we’re just promoting higher ticket products. Right? Right. That’s to me, I mean, let me know for you, like when you promote a product and if you’ve been an affiliate to like a webinar, those seem to me to make the most like dollar per effort.

Definitely waiting for as marketers get me somebody and they have to have the product, right? So that’s the key thing.

You’re going to be selling a good product, but that will come out in the webinar and they’ll see that if they see that and they see the value they’re going to by the end of the webinar, they just will just so everyone can kind of get a good idea of what types of products, like what is the price point for example. So they understand that these are higher priced products.

You know, most products you’re going to sell on a webinar is going to be like a nine 97 to maybe a 1997 or sometimes even about that. But you know, that thousand to $2,000 range is, you know, normal. And sometimes you can break that down into payments for people. But that’s, that’s a good range to have.

Yet for webinars, we’ve seen that work really well. And, and also what kind of for your products and your webinars, we’ve run some of them and they’ve done really well.

What kind of percentage can people expect to convert on the webinar and then people that are alive, when you pitch the product out of say there’s 500 people on the webinar, how many sales dollars do you think it’s going to vary according? But I gotta tell you, when I do a webinar with you, we, we, we have some crazy conversions.

Like you have 20 30% and then you think about it, you know, people get an email and maybe two or three of percent opened the email and 1% click, you know, webinars incredibly profitable. You can get 20 to 30% of the people buy your product.

The a thousand dollars you know, it doesn’t take a mathematician to figure it out. That’s pretty good money. Yeah, it’s pretty amazing.

And then there’s, and that’s kind of only part of it, like do the webinar, it makes this big amount of sales, but you know, you’ve seen how we promote your webinars, like their sequences after that, the next day makes money, the next day makes money, right? We create a replay at the end of it. That really kind of increased the sales on the last day

To do that. We’re sitting here in Cancun, Mexico now, and we’re sitting on this nice lounge here out by the pool and we’re working. This is working. This is what you want to do. I mean, this is still an ego about it. I mean this, this is where you would start right here and this is where you would end up to one of these resorts. Americas, you can certainly do it and you make money 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter where you are in the world.

And I don’t know of another job that you can do that and I don’t know the better time to do it either. You know this, this wasn’t available 1520 years ago and who knows if it will be available yet. 20 years from now, right now is the best time to get in. It’s, you know, it’s, it’s growing so much now that you know, for those of you who worry, well, I’ve already missed out and you know, it’s not good anymore. No, this is the best time. This is the time again,

My name is Brian [inaudible]. I’ve been marketing online since the early two thousand in a variety of different capacities and full time though I’ve been running information marketing businesses, selling everything from rock climbing, training information products to high end you know, really full and into the courses that are you financial or business opportunity space.

And I’ve been selling them in a lot of different mediums as well. Everything from traditional sales letters to video sales, letters to over the phone to sales colors, which has been one of the absolute best ways for me to be able to promote my products and really capture people’s attention, provide value, and bring them in as customers. Awesome. Thank you. Yeah.

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

So for everyone that’s kind of just getting started out, what do you kind of, what would you say to them to stay motivated and stay excited, stay on the right path kind of advice, you know, as an entrepreneur, like you’re going to have your ups and downs, so you have to know that coming in.

And there’s a few things that have really helped me over the years. One of the biggest things is focusing on my goals. I know most people always talked about the power of sitting down, setting your goals and writing them down and I’m no different in the amount of that.

I highly, highly encourage that and the reason I do that is that it’s different when it comes from your head to pen and paper and as you sit down and write things out, you start to actually figure out what you really want.

And I don’t mean just writing down things like I want to make more money, that’s great, but what does the money actually do for you?

Maybe it gives you time, maybe it gives you the freedom to go where you want or quit your job or do any of these myriads of things when you take care of your family, but you need to get very specific on what it is and why that motivates you.

That’s awesome. Yeah, I think those things are huge. Anytime I’m like, I lose or I feel like I’m burning out and lose that steam. I try to visualize my motivations and what brought me there, what kind of got me started and what it’ll feel like once I’ve achieved things. And then I think a lot of marketers now, once they do get to that level, it’s like now what?

Then there’s that little crisis and then they realize, Oh wait, points to contribute, to give value and to help other people. I wanted to talk, you mentioned this right away, is that you’re having a lot of success with webinars and we’ve actually even promoted your product. It really well.

So I don’t know if you can maybe talk about how webinars are changing your whole business and what you’re, why you’re focusing on them and what’s the value of a webinar?

So I think what’s so powerful about webinars is you get to capture someone’s attention for a longer period of time. In any type of business. It’s all about being able to garner someone’s attention, run them through basically the value that you’re providing, how you can pay a solution to the problem that they have and then make them an offer and in a email or on a video sales letter or however you’re currently selling it, you usually have a set period of time to capture that attention in a webinar format.

Most of the time, everyone joining the webinar has been on some type of training class or webinar before so they know that they’re going to be there for at least an hour, sometimes two hours.

For me, I, I love doing long webinars. I’m sure you remember the one that we did was I think over three hours or something like that, but I like to stay on for a long period of time because it allows me to provide more value, make sure I get people’s questions answered, and most importantly, it allows me to recap my offer multiple times because as we know, most individuals never buy off of the first kind of experience with you as a brand and just like a webinar, you don’t know how much someone was paying attention as you were running through your slides.

And so you want to make sure you kind of recap the benefits, rehab understanding, and do some great training. So that’s one of the reasons I love it, but the other main reason is it’s a mechanism where one of my mentors taught me Frank Kern, where you can provide results in advance, right?

It’s a lot harder in a video or email series to provide maybe the exact results you’re trying to help someone get in advance. But if you’ve got their attention for at least an hour or an hour and a half, two hours, you can go through and actually give them some really valuable action steps that they can take now and run with it.

And by providing that value, they immediately start to kind of contemplate, well, if I’m learning this from Ryan here again in this setting, what could I actually do and accomplish outside of when I invest in his training?

And you know, I really start to dedicate myself to it. And that’s what’s so great. You know, it really gives you that opportunity. And the thing that you need to understand, especially online, is people get nervous, got to sell them right? And they should be up there.

They should be excited about selling stuff because we need to understand that if we have good products or we support good products like CBU you then are doing people a disservice if you don’t get them purchased program. It’s literally, I believe, your moral obligation to do everything you can to get them to invest in the training because it can have a dramatic impact on their alignment.

So if you find other folks that aren’t doing a really good job with these structures, it makes your life so you see that awesome. We’re actually making software, I haven’t mentioned this to you, but we’re making software that allows affiliates to promote webinars really easily without having to get a ton of people all live at the same time.

And that way they can start making commissions aside as what’s your commission rate? For example, right now, people earn, you know, $500 roughly per sale, 50% on $1,000 product. Yeah.

And we’ve got upsells and continuity and sometimes there’s even backend sales that they get $1,000 commission on spot. Yeah. That’s an awesome way to, to really jumpstart your earnings. You just need a couple of sales a month for them to really kind of get to that next level, which is amazing

What I talked to Ryan about there for a moment about a software. That’s actually what we’re going to be unveiling on the ClickBank breaks, the internet training events.

So excited for it because you’re going to be able to, for the first time ever earn commission checks like $1,000 per sale to you without needing a product, without needing an email list, without needing inventory and it’s revolutionary into the first time we’re ever releasing this to anyone and we want to make sure it’s just ClickBank subscribers and you are going to see something that has never been seen or even maybe even thought of by marketers.

We called it the ClickBank breaks the internet because we think it’s going to break the internet for marketers everywhere. It’s going to absolutely be mind blowing.

So without further ado, a make sure to register for it because we use go to webinar and that system holds only a thousand people and we will most certainly max out and reach capacity because this is the biggest event we’ve ever done.

This is the most exciting thing we’ve ever held, and I am so pumped up to be able to present it to you and show you the system that’s going to allow you to, to really just burn like the pros, things that pros are doing to make so much money aren’t possible for newbies because there’s certain things holding them back that only a system, a software system can really just take away those roadblocks, those barriers.

So make sure to register below here, you’re going to be able to open up the webinar and register for it. And at a thousand capacity we will be maxed out and no one will be able to attend.

So once you register, make sure to set a reminder on your phone and show up five minutes early so you don’t miss out. So that’s it. I’m super pumped up and I’m excited that you’re going to start earning like the pros. So register below and I’ll talk to you soon. I’ll see you then!

Clickbank Millionaire Success Secrets

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