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CF Design School By Kathryn Jones: Is It Really As Amazing As Everyone Says It Is?

CF Design School


CF Design School By Kathryn Jones: Is It Really As Amazing As Everyone Says It Is?

Kathryn Jones has launched a new product called CF Design School. And there have been many reviews around as many online marketers have started boosting it. No doubt you have seen their boosting in your email and are looking for an accurate CF Design School review here. And you are wondering if this can help you with your online marketing venture.

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Some might think that product CF Design School is a scam, and it would be a waste of money. We at Online Growth Report always recommend that you do your research about this product first and do not rush it. Even if the manufacturers closed it, the other would be the same or better, much better IM products to follow as our # 1 rated source products so no worries, you do not miss the offer to make money with these methods.

So when, if any, is the right stage to purchase it? First, you have to think about whether this is something you can spend your own money and time on. Always bear in mind that any investment is risky. You may lose your money, regardless of the promise the ad is making to you. So, always try to look through the hype.

Last but not least, this webpage should deliver as a CF Design School review where users leave their review after using the product. But don’t just take our word for it. Here is Kathryn Jones in her owns words. Breaking down the details of CF Design School!

Hi, I’m Kathryn Jones, CEO of Automate Academy Number One bestselling authors, certified in and at marketer and I’ve been featured all over the web. Now, right now I’m going to teach you how to design a seven-figure funnel in 30 minutes without any tech skills just like I’ve done for thousands of others and I’m not kidding. I’m going to reveal it all, but I, I’m going to go one step further. I’m not just going to show you my journey, but I’m going to show you the journeys of other people who have been on this Webinar just like you who are absolutely killing it in the funnel design game right now. For example, we’ve got Mario who’s made over 10 K in one month since being on the Webinar. Aaron who has booked her own business coach as a client is completely redesigning care stuff and then we have tailored who’s booking clients after only having been on this webinar six days ago.

I’m going to show you how fun will design is absolutely exploding the sales of businesses just like yours in the marketing niche, the fitness niche, the book writing Niche, and so many more. And I’m gonna make sure that you walk away from this training. Absolutely knowing two things. Number one, design packing will work for you. And number two, I’m going to issue exactly what you need to do to make sure that you get this same sort of design success in your business or the businesses you’re consulting for. So pay attention, turn off slack, turn off Facebook, silence your phone and get ready. Are you excited?

Alright. Hi Barry. How are you doing? I am so excited. You’re here on this training. Now I want to give you a little bit of a lay of the land before we jumped into this. Okay. So you’re going to see alongside the bottom here, you’re going to see that there are a few different steps that we’re going to need to go through it in order for you to know exactly how you can explode your sales or the sales of businesses you’re consulting for using funnels design, okay? So you can fall on the bottom. Make sure on track with us, but you’ll see the first step that we have to do is we have to establish a foundation, okay? So there are people coming in here that don’t know anything about Internet marketing, people that have been in this game for a long time, okay? So when I say that, we’re going to learn how to design a seven-figure funnel without any tech skills, okay?

And under 30 minutes, there might be some of you who have built hundreds of funnels and they’re ready. Some of you that are saying, what in the heck is a funnel? So what we’re gonna do is we’re just going to take 90 seconds to make sure that we’re all on the same page and we’re going to go over what is a funnel. Does that sound good to you guys? All right, so here is where funnels began. Back in the day, it was a lot easier to sell stuff online. You just slap up a website, put your products on it, send traffic to it, and people would buy, and you can kind of see this here, right? With this Macy’s examples, this would may see the website. You can see they just put their website up to put all of their products on, sent traffic. People would buy it.

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But then guess what happened? The Internet got smarter and consumers got smarter. So what they found is that the most profitable businesses weren’t just slapping up a website and put other products on it. What they found is the most profitable businesses started using something called funnels. And what a funnel is, is that a funnel is simply a series of web pages that hold the customer by the hand through the entire sales process, typically selling them one product per page. So as a really elementary example, let’s say that you have a business that sells to people who want to make sandwiches. Those are your customers. People who want to make a sandwich. So a school company back in the day, they would send their sandwich-making customer to web page that had a ton of different products on it. It’d be a whole page of type bread, lettuce, tomato jam, everything they might need.

And that’s kind of like sending your customer into a grocery store that they’ve never been to. It’s really overwhelming. You’re not sure where to start. Typically what happens, people get overwhelmed and they just leave and it’s hard to, because inside of this grocery store or this website that has a ton of different products on it, there are so many products that don’t pertain to sandwich making and so there’s just a lot of clutter. A smart company on the other hand, would send this sandwich making customers to a funnel and on this first page of the funnel, the only thing that they would do is sell them bread. And then only if they said yes to bread, would they send them to a new patient that’s holding on peanut butter. And if they said yes to peanut butter, then we’d tell them jam. If they said yes to jam, we might spell them like a Ziploc bag so they can put their sandwiches.

If they said yes to the Ziploc bag, we might sell them a Napkin to make their sandwich eating experience a little bit cleaner and you can keep going and going and going. Does this make sense? And studies have shown that if you actually give a customer less choices to make by holding their hands through the sale, they will actually buy more. So in selling products through a funnel rather than a traditional static website with, there’s a bunch of products on it, you’re able to make more money with the same amount of traffic going to your site. And I’m going to be referencing funnels, how to design funnels, different strategies for funnels all throughout this training. So I wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page with this.

Now I want to start off by saying a few things. Number one, if you have failed designing funnels or web pages in the past, it is not your fault too. If you’re afraid that you will never have a seven-figure funnel design, you can totally put those fears to rest. Number three, landing page building software is funnel building software, website building software. She, we’re trying to make you dependent on their templates so that they can determine how your design and your business looks. They’re absolutely wrong. They do not own you. And finally four, if you have ever felt sabotaged because there has been no funnel design instruction provided whatsoever. You are absolutely right. You have been wrong, but that all ends today. Okay, that’s over. Now, my goal for this training, I’m going to just teach you how to build a pretty website, okay?

Nobody just wants a pretty website. Everybody wants sales, everybody wants more sales. So I’m going to do is I’m going to teach you how to design your funnels for optimum sales and optimum conversions. So no longer will people ever leave your sight because it doesn’t look credible and no longer will you ever feel embarrassed about your site and you’re going to be able to start competing with these big companies because all of a sudden you are going to look the part. Okay, and my second goal, this webcast today is I’m actually going to show you how to do all of this using a new method called design hacking, but more on that later.

All right, so I wanted to introduce myself really quickly. Hi, my name is Catherine Jones. I am CEO of a company called Automate Academy. Everyone a successful funnel design business. I’m the number one best selling author. I’m a certified Internet marketer and even though this might sound like a really weird thing to introduce myself, I wanted to let you know that I have no idea how to code. I have no idea how to use Photoshop and I have never been to any sort of graphic design school before. Is there anybody to this that is also doesn’t know how to code. No Photoshop, no graphic design school before. Now, the reason that I want to bring that up is that I want to make sure that you are just so absolutely certain that funnel design is for anyone. Okay. I came from the humblest of beginnings and if I can do it and all these other people that I’m about to show, you can do it, then you can most definitely do it as well.

Now I assure you that this whole process did not start off great. I am not naturally gifted with design skills. Okay. This actually started back in 2016 April 2016 I had just released my number one bestselling book on automation and from that book I started this company automates academy and things weren’t going. I mean they were going bad, they weren’t going great. When I got started in this automation world, I felt overwhelmed to say the least and I think even more tragically as pretty naive in thinking that all the instruction that I would ever need was just out there. I just needed to hustle and learn it and then I could figure it out. Is there anybody else that can relate to this kind of GungHo mentality? So fast forward, I enroll in this $10,000 12 weeks super intense internet marketing certification course and I remember thinking, okay, this is going to be awesome.

This is all about marketing automation. If I can crush this than I will know everything that I need to know about automation and my business is just going to take off. Now, to be honest, this training in so many ways was incredible, but I have to tell you something. There was virtually no instruction whatsoever on funnel design, which that was a problem for me because I sucked at design and I also knew that if you didn’t have good design, people weren’t going to think you were credible. And if people didn’t think you were credible, they weren’t going to buy from you. So when I finished this program, I started to desperately look through the graduates of this program as well to see I stopped their sites, I went to go check their Facebook pages. I somehow miss something that they had all picked up on.

And I’m not kidding you. I stuck them thoroughly. You can see this little spreadsheet here, over a hundred graduates. I went to all of their different sites and what was shocking to me, to be frank, was how ugly their sites where they were sloppy. They were not professional. They definitely looked homemade and they most certainly did not look like they had just gone through a $10,000 Internet marketing certification course. Okay. And I’m not trying to be root cause it wasn’t their fault because after the shocking discovery that nobody was good at funnel design, I went searching for some answers about how to design beautiful and high converting funnel pages and this is what I found unless I wanted to go to coding school or graphic design school, I was 100% completely out of luck. Have you guys experienced this as well? I searched blogs. I found super generic answers.

I went to conferences and seminars, nothing about funnel design. Even started to buy coding courses and it was just so overwhelming. I couldn’t do it. I just knew that there had to be a smarter and a faster way. So one day it was honestly like Manna from heaven. This ad comes to me on Facebook. Okay. And it says stop designing pages that look ridiculous. And then it called out, says I’m looking at you click funnels and lead pages users. And I was like, oh my gosh, this is everything that I’ve been looking for. I clicked on the ad, I immediately gave them my credit card information cause I desperately knew that I needed to be able to transform my business and get the sales that I needed to get. I needed to know how to do funnel design to give them my car. I’m so excited like dive into the program and it was just so utterly disappointing.

So disappointing. And the reason being was this, there was no actual instruction all day said to us, design a page that you think that your customers would want to see. And I’m like, no, Duh. Design a page where you think your customers want to see. I know that my problem is I don’t know how. Okay. There was no substantial instructions, just very vague and ambiguous design principles. So yeah, I was freaking upset. First of all, what a waste of money. And second of all, I needed real legitimate instruction and still I had nothing. Okay? I was completely stuck. My own products weren’t selling as well as I should have. And I knew that part of the reason was my design. Okay, I did not look credible. And when you don’t look credible, people don’t buy your stuff. And another thing that was just so tragic, and I don’t know if you guys have experienced this as well, I was too afraid to do consulting or build other funnels for other businesses because I was so embarrassed of what they would look like.

Has anybody else been in the situation where you know you have these skill sets but you’re just too embarrassed to put it out there because you know that maybe your copy’s going to be good, your strategy is going to be good, but your designed just absolutely sucks. That’s where I was. Okay. And to prove it to you, I want to show you one of my first funnels. Okay? This is a page and a made actually for an old company that I used to work for and it’s just a support page and it is just so tragically ugly. Okay. And the thing that’s most sad about this page is I literally worked on this for hours, hours, and hours and hours. So I’m stuck, I’m frustrated, I’m practicing my funnel design, nothing’s getting better. But then one day it just kind of by happenstance, I connected with an internet marketer on Facebook.

He seems pretty smart. So I was like, and I was kind of new and I was like, like I could I reach out to you, I’d love to ask you a few questions. He was super chill. He’s like, yeah, it’d be all about it. Now as we were chatting, all of a sudden he said, listen, I want to share my screen here and I want to show you something that my client is asking me to do, I’m super excited about. And I said, yeah, sure. And so he says, my client, she essentially asked me to copy this page entirely. And look what I’ve been able to do. I’ve been able to do it all inside of click funnels, which is a funnel building software and it looks exactly the same. I’ve been able to copy it entirely. And when I saw those pages, you guys, literally this light bulb went off in my head and all of a sudden I was like, oh my gosh, I don’t need to learn how to design from scratch.

I don’t need to learn how to code. I don’t need to learn Photoshop, I don’t need to go to graphic design school. All I need to do is I need to leverage the designs of other people’s businesses. I need to take the best parts of theirs and then turn them into my own and thus was born design hacking. Isn’t this exciting? Okay. Now what is designed hacking design hacking is swiping the design ideas of smarter, richer, and more successful businesses than you and then using them ethically within your own business. So after this life, Obama, I start going to all these websites, right? That I know that are making millions and millions of dollars in sales. And I start looking at these sites and thinking, okay, how can I recreate these inside of clickfunnels and clickfunnels? It’s a funnel building software. Okay. It’s basically like PowerPoint on steroids tend to drag and drop, don’t need to know how to code.

And as I’m doing this, I’m starting to see some success and I’m getting pretty hyped about it. And again, I’m getting close, but there’s always a little bit off. Okay. I can always kind of tell which one’s the real one. Which one is mine? Mine though my design skills were way better than before. They always still kind of look like a poor man’s version. And the reason being is I was just kind of winging it, right? It was like, oh, I’ll put the headline in the same ish place. This is like, ah, they’re doing blue. I’ll kind of do a blue. Like it was very much so just kind of like my, here I am trying to figure it out. There was no structure to what I was actually doing. Okay. And so again, my designs were improving but they weren’t a hundred percent professional. And so you could start to see here some examples of some pages and you can see they’re definitely an improvement from that first support page I showed you.

So you could see this here. This is a page to actually, my dad asked me to make for his business. Here’s another one that I made for a city councilman that ran for a city near me. Okay. And so you can see you’re not horrible. There are definitely improvements from where we came, but it still doesn’t look like a design agency has made these pages. So I continue to be frustrated with him. I didn’t have time to learn to code. I damn tiny one Photoshop. I didn’t want to go to graphic design school. So what I started to do as I started to look at these web pages a little bit differently, I stopped looking at them like this loose creative kind of thing and started to look at design hacking funnel design as a more structured science. Okay. A series of steps to take, a series of tools to use and a series of decisions to make. And slowly I started to perfect this science of design hacking and literally got to a point where I could model the design of any website, put my own spin on it, shoot out a custom design within 30 minutes, literally any website. I had truly perfected this idea of design hacking and I want to show you some examples. Okay,


now, just so you know that you’re not pulling your leg, I want to show you what some of my clients’ reactions have been. Okay? So one of them said, this is effing brilliant. Okay, I’ll take that. Another one. This history of amazeballs Dang man is amazing, or my personal favorite. I don’t know if you guys know Russell Bronson, he’s an internet marketing sphere. Somebody said Catherine Jones is the second coming of Russell Bronson. Okay? So you can see also on the strategy of design hacking, it changed everything for me. Not only now did I have the strategy to automate sales, but also I have the design chops to actually do it. And I started to see a tremendous difference in my business and in the businesses of my clients. Their sales. Just absolutely start to explode and now suddenly the game have changed. Design hacking had absolutely set me apart from everybody else.

So how does this apply to you? Okay, so if you are selling anything online, if you want to sell anything online or if you’re helping somebody to sell something online than you, absolutely 100% need to have mastered the skill of sign hacking. In fact, according to a recent study by Stanford University, okay, it only takes a person 0.5 seconds, that’s half of a second, okay? To determine whether or not your website is credible. And what is crazy you guys, is that what they are judging? 90% of what these people are judging is your design. So regardless of how great your copy is, regardless of how great your product is, if your design sucks, you’re screwed. You’re not going to make sales because people literally aren’t going to stay on your website long enough to even see what your product is. So if your business is going to succeed in the way that you want to succeed, you absolutely need to master the skill design habits.

Now, not only is this work for me, I’m not some anomaly. I want to walk you through how this has worked for so many other people. Okay. And the first person I want to introduce you to is Michelle. Now, Michelle’s amazing, she also went through this $10,000 program with me, but I also know of two other programs she’s done. So hurt Internet marketing education has cost at least $25,000 and one day she reached out to me. She was totally frustrated. She was working with a client who they were doing a webinar for an online cooking class basically. And she reached out to me and she essentially said, plus that I can get people to come to the page, but hardly anybody has registering shoe. I feel fresher. I changed my coffee, I changed the video. I don’t know what to do. Um, could you go ahead and take a look at it?

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And I was like, oh yeah, totally. I’ll take a look at it. So I pulled up, I look at it, I immediately know she has a design. It she, okay. I don’t know if you guys have ever been to a webpage like this before where it’s like kind of sketching. You’re like, oh yeah, there’s no way in heck I’m going to put any sort of information in there. That’s how this page was. Okay. So I reached back out to her. We actually are on a phone call and I’m like, listen, it copies great, your video’s great, but the problem you actually have is designed, you have a design problem. Um, if you model the design after a seven-figure company, you’re going to start to see webinar registrants like crazy. And she said I think you’re wrong. And I said, okay, tell me why you think that.

And she said, well, if your offer is good enough that people overlook that design. And I said, actually you’re wrong. And so again, I repeated to her what I’ve told you a million times already, right? If you do not look credible, people will not believe that your product or your offer is credible. So they will leave. So again, I told her, if you model the design after a seven-figure company, you are going to start to see webinar registrants like crazy. So she said, okay, to your point, because like I don’t have the money to hire a designer and I don’t want to reach out to my client to ask them to cough up more money for this designer. Don’t worry about it. I said, we were on a phone call at this point and I said, let’s hop on a screen share. Let’s get on Skype and let’s share screens and literally give me 15 minutes.

I’ll show you how to do it. I’ll set you loose and then come back to me and you’ll have a new design and it will be amazing. And she was a little bit hesitant so that she said, okay, so again, 15 minutes. Explain to her that it’s a six step signs of design hacking. I explained it to her step one, two, three, four, five, six, this is what you need to do. She’s like, Ma easier than I thought. Send her off. Literally 30 minutes later she reaches back out to me with this brand new design that is gorgeous and stunning and crisp and clean and she’s freaking out. I’m freaking out and she says, Napoli, that I never thought about designing this way. I can’t believe how easy it is. And um, so she actually reached out to me again a little bit later and she sent me this Facebook message or came, this just makes me so happy.

Okay, awesome. I feel more confident now in the design abilities that I can actually improve and design. Next page is okay and that again was with 15 of instruction from me and 30 minutes on her own. All with design hacking. She just needed to know the six steps. Science of design hacking. Now fast forward 24 hours per webinar registrant had exploded. Okay. Copy stayed the same video, same, the same. The only thing that changed was her design and all of a sudden her client was getting webinar registrants like crazy. Okay. So having great design is essential to growing your online sales. And the good news is that literally these design hacking skills, they are so easy to implement. Isn’t that awesome? So here are the three secrets that we’re going to uncover today and our training. Okay? Secret number one, your website is I believe, but it’s not your fault and it’s easy to fix.

Secret number two, you don’t need to spend seven figures to be a seven-figure level designer. And secret number three, how to use a design facelift to explode your sales even if you suck at selling. Okay, so let’s dive into secret one challis secret number one, your website is ugly, but it’s not your fault and it’s easy to fix. Now, there still might be some of you watching this training that are thinking, I am there. I’m not sure exactly how assumptive your design is going to help me in my particular business. I get it. Let me tell you a quick story. Okay, rewind. About a year and a half ago I started to figure out that design hacking thing and to be honest and frank, I’m designing some pretty Dang good looking and super high converting and web pages. People are starting to notice. So they start reaching out to me for help, okay.

Reaching out to me what for what they said were a few reasons why I know that my design is bad and I want you to fix it to I’m embarrassed of my site. Can you please help me to fix my design? Three, I want to reach out to particular clients, but I’m afraid I’ll get laughed off because my design is so bad. And so I’m hearing all of these things and I realize that what they think they need is design. But what they actually want is sales. Okay? Everybody wants to sales and so what I do is I start to teach them how to use design to increase their sales, Aka design hacking. They wanted sales without having to learn how to code. They want it out sales without having to fork out 20 grand for a graphic designer, okay? But with design hacking, I was able to help each of these people get completely stuck and these people, they were in all types of industries and niches.

Okay? I want to walk you through a few of them. First guys, Brandon Brandon studying marketing in school. He’s studying information systems at school. He’s helping to launch a house flipping business and another client to help launch a book. Okay. His design was not great. He reached out to me. He wasn’t getting the sales that he needed. He wasn’t exactly sure it was going on with that design might be part of the issue. Again, reached out to me. We taught them design hacking. Then there was a guy named Andrew. He sold a membership site for relationship advice, wasn’t making the sales he wanted, was super frustrated. He reached out to me. Totally was a design issue. So what did I do? I taught him design hacking. Now third was a woman named Emily, and this is so crazy to me. Interestingly enough, this woman actually sold courses on graphic design.

Okay. But she didn’t know how to apply her own principles to her web and funnel pages. Okay. So she reached out to me, and this is actually exactly what she said. She said, I’m stuck. I’m not sure if I’ve created a monster or if I’ve just been looking at the thing for too long and gotten lost down my own rabbit hole. Okay. I would love to work with you as you have a great way of explaining things that I get in an instant. So what did I do? I taught her how to design. Hack fourth was a woman named Karen. She had a business and the woman’s weight loss industry. She had actually made zero sales so far. Okay. Zero sales. She said, what is my problem? Look at her page. Totally design issue. So what did I do? I taught her how to design.

Hack fifth is a guy named Jim and Jim’s story is so crazy too. Okay. So Jim actually has a coach who is one of the leading funnel experts in the industry. He pays him $25,000 a year to be his coach. And still he’s reaching out to me because he has no idea how to improve his funnel design. Okay? So this is actually the message. Okay. So he reached out to me. You said, not sure if you saw my message. I was wondering if I could learn more about your d aglow. Fine. A funnels. Okay, so what did I do? I taught him how to design half. Then there was a woman named Natalie. She has ghost written books for several people that have sold hundreds of thousands of copies to have been a number one Amazon bestselling author and number one USA Today, best selling author. And she was still struggling with herself online because her online presence was horrible case.

So if she got in the room with somebody, she could sell them, but online not so much and she needed design help. So what did I do? Taught her how to design. And finally there’s this guy named Michael. Let’s go back to him. He’s my dad. Okay. Two friends, new business on our, I introduced him to click funnels. He had never used it before. Okay. I showed him. It showed them the strategy. He was so hyped about it, but I actually got a text from my dad one day that said this. He said, I was so excited when you told me about click funnels. I thought it would be perfect for my business. But once I actually got into the software, I found that I’ve hit a serious roadblock because I couldn’t get the pages to actually look good. So I just stopped and have been disappointed since.

Okay, super disappointed sense. So what did I do? I tell them how to design hacks like everybody else. I explained the six steps, science of design hacking, set him free, and he said, listen, in 30 minutes I want you to reach out to me. Whatever you have done. Okay, I want you to reach out to me, send me a link of what you have and let’s go over it. And do you want to know what came back? Freaking stunning designs. Stunning. Now before we go on, let’s review again one more time. What is designed hacking? Design hacking is taking the design ideas of businesses that are smarter, richer, and more successful than you, and then incorporating them into your own business, ethically, but into your own business. Okay? Isn’t that cool? So when people design heck, they actually strip the design secrets of seven figure businesses and then embed those secrets into their own pages, which then yield similar results. So let me show you example. Okay, design hacking is how you can take a site that looks like this mandala after the super successful restaurants site like this and get a new custom design that looks like this.

Now, can you see how the high converting design secrets that are with in that successful restaurant website are now embedded within our new restaurant design? Okay, so when I’m showing all these people right from all these different niches, this easy six step science, so keeps saying things like, oh my gosh, I can’t believe it. And think about it, they were almost mad at themselves like, I can’t believe I didn’t think about this before and that. Cool. So let’s go ahead. Let’s get back to their results. Now, here’s what happened to each of them. First and foremost is just a given. Okay? Their design a plus designs. All of a sudden it went from horrible, ugly, making my eyes bleed, not looking. So great funnels, okay? To these really gorgeous high quality professional designs that was just across the board. Okay, so look at this quick response from Brandon.

Okay. He said, all right, I’ve made some drastic changes. I still might need a or too. I responded with this literally night and day better at a tiny suggestion for him, but I was seriously so, so impressed or check out this response from Karen. She’s the fitness weight loss industry girl. Okay? She writes me and she said, tried to simplify it, blah, blah, blah. I responded, said again, literally night and day difference, just so much better, but what was even more fun than seeing their designs because again, that’s fun and pretty. But what was even more fun was getting responses anywhere from 24 hours to a week or two later when they had driven traffic to their sites and every single one of them had an increase in their optin page in their webinar registrants and in the products that they were actually selling. Every single one of them is this, not just like the coolest thing you’ve ever heard.

Now. I was so happy for them and to be honest, their design skills prior to knowing design hacking, they were really sucked, but it wasn’t their fault, okay? Nobody had ever taught them, nobody had ever given them the answers that they deserve. Coaches, softwares, people had to literally let them down time and time again, which honestly just made me so much more thrilled when design hacking worked for every single one of these people increased every single one of their sales in every single one of their inches. Okay, so let’s review really fast. Okay, so design hacking work for Brandon in the book and Real Estate House flipping business. Okay. It worked for Andrew in the relationship niche. It worked for Emily in the graphic design niche. I will never get over how cool that is. It worked for Karen and the woman’s weight loss niche, Jim in the consulting marketing consulting niche, who worked for Natalie in the content writing niche and it worked for Michael as a brand new clickfunnels user.

Okay? And it will work for you. They apply these principles of design hacking and acid perceived credibility increased. So did their sales. Can I give you another really quick example? I want to introduce you to a business friend of mine. Her name’s Becky. Okay. She is a marketing and online marketing consultants. She was struggling to get people to book a consultation call with her. So let me walk you through exactly what’s going on. Okay, so here’s the final page that she created and then it goes when you click on the button, right, it goes to a scheduler that you can only access their calendar if you paid $500 a case. So you start on the main page and then you go to the scheduler where you pay $500 to do a marketing console with her. Now using design hacking, I helped her to model her new funnel design after a company that was yielding similar results, but in a much more successful manner. Okay. So they were also getting people to book strategy calls with them, but they were doing it in a much more successful way. So again, here’s her initial page. Here’s the page we design hacked and here is the final result.

Now sure. Again, it looks a ton better, but what kind of results did it have on her sales? She drove some traffic to it and the result, I got a Facebook message from her about a week later that said, Hey lady, my business has taken a 90 degree turn. I’d love to promote you if you’re interested, obviously interested, obviously hyped about the spike in her business. Now, can you imagine if this happened for you? So now here’s the truth, okay? The truth is that any business and any niche, any product and any person can have a seven figure funnel design if you know the right way to do it. And that right way is sidetracking. Okay? Isn’t that awesome? All right, so let’s go ahead and move on to secret number two.

Secret number two, you do not need to spend seven figures to be a seven figure web or funnel designer, nor do you need coding, Photoshop, or any other prior design skills or you’re just ready to dive into this. Now when I first teach somebody how to design hack, the first thing that I actually do is I teach them how to recreate any webpage that they see on the Internet. And I’m serious. I teach them how to create other businesses pages. Exactly. And the reason why I do that is because it helps people to see and start to think like a designer. Now obviously we don’t publish these pages that would be against copyrights. So don’t go doing that. But this is how the process starts. When your design hacker, again, it helps you to start seeing and thinking like a designer. And that’s exactly what happened with my cousin Austin.

Now he knew that I was into funnels and things like that. And so one day he reached out to me and he was like, Hey, could you help me to learn how to build a funnel? And I said, Duh, of course I don’t think you understand how much I love this stuff. So I said, yeah, of course. So John over to his house, he got out this laptop, I get out my laptop. Now mind you, he has never built a webpage before. He has never gone into click funnels before. He has never sold a single thing online before. So what I do is I pull up this landing page that you see here and it’s beautiful, super high converting. It’s by a man named were safety. And I said to Austin, I’m going to teach you how to recreate this page perfectly. And he was pretty skeptical.

He was like, are you sure? Is there’s something a little easier we can do? I’ve never done this before. And I was just like, she have a pattern. It’s all going to be just, Oh, I got you on this. Okay. So I gave him instruction, five, 10 minutes, the six step science of design hacking, let him go for about 15 to 20 and he comes back within a half an hour, he has perfectly recreated this web page. So here’s the original and here’s Austin’s page. And he was amazed and he said, Kevin, how much would you charge for something like this? And I said, oh, I charge at least a thousand dollars and he said, I just did $1,000 of work in 30 minutes. And I said, welcome to the beautiful world of design hacking. Now, if you’re still not convinced, I want to show you some more results. Okay? So this is Maurice.

This is the original page. This is Maurice’s recreation. Now here’s a Lisa, here’s the original page, and here is her recreation. And whether you’re still wondering whether or not your tech enough savvy to do this, literally Elisa didn’t even know to take a screenshot. This is her taking a picture of the website with her phone. Okay? Literally anybody can do this. Okay, here’s another one. Here is Mario. Here’s the original webpage, and here’s Mario’s recreation. Okay, here is Anna Lisa. Here’s the original. Here’s the recreation. And do you remember my dad, the one who was just such a Newbie with click funnels? Well, here’s the original, and here’s his recreation’s. Oh, it’s so cool. Design. How can you can literally recreate any page. I’m not just talking to this one random landing page, literally any single page. So I want to show you some examples. Okay?

So here’s Briana, and here is a beauty sites and here’s her recreation. Now we have Taylor who recreated this coffee side, okay? So here’s the original. Here’s her recreation. Then we have Michael, he redesigned the air bnb site. Here’s the original, here’s the recreation. Then we have Allie who redesigned Shopify site. Okay? So Kirsi originals. Here’s the recreation. And we even have Lisa who is recruiting my automate academy side. Okay? So here’s the original, here’s the recreation. Now again, obviously you wouldn’t strip exactly the design from leading competitors and businesses, okay? That would be unethical and illegal. But remember this is just the first step to learning how to see and think like a design hacker. Now the next step is you start making your own custom designs and I’ll show you more of these down the road, but I did want to show you do these three just to start. Okay? So we have this one from Emily. We have this friend from Katie, and then we have this one from Taylor,


You guys, anyone can do this, okay? If you have the tech wherewithal to search for something on Google, you have enough tech chops, okay. To be able to become a profitable and successful design hacker. If you can search for something on Google, you know enough to be a designer at occur. Now who here thinks that design hacking is awesome? Okay, let’s get into my favorite secrets. Secret number three,

how to use design facelift to explode your sales even if you suck at selling. Now why don’t we go through all this effort is to design these beautiful sites and the reason that at the end of the day it’s sales sales for your own businesses or if you’re looking to consult other businesses or do design work for their businesses, I will totally show you how to sell that service as well. Now there still might be some of you who are thinking even after all this training, you know, I’m still not entirely sure how better design it’s going to get me more sales. Are there any doubters out there still? Listen, it’s okay cause I’m going to show you something that is going to completely convince you otherwise. So let me explain. So about five months ago, a woman named Brooks gave me a phone call. She was a new coach.

He was coaching real estate agents and shoot a few clients, but you’d been acquiring them all via direct outreach on Facebook. She didn’t have a website and other than her Facebook page, she didn’t really have any online presence. And at this point in her business, she was charging anywhere from $500 a month to $1,500 per month for her services. But she was stuck at that level and she had a few experiences where when she was on the phone with potential clients trying to close them, they would ask to see her website. And so what she would do, she would send them to our Facebook page and when they realized that she didn’t have a website that kind of got weirded out and they bounce, she could never make the sale. And the reason was is that she didn’t have a solid web presence. So people no longer thought she was as legitimate as she actually was.

And so she kept losing the sales and sales and sales. When it really started to eat at her. At the end of the day, she needed more clients. So she called me knowing that I was in this funnel game, right? And so she said, hey, listen, I need you to design your funnel and I need it to be fast. I’ve expenses coming up and I need to be able to turn this over really quickly. So she said to me, she said, how quickly can we get this done? And I said, yeah, sure, I’ll design it for you. And I said, listen, we can get it done as quickly as we find somebody’s site to hack. So we talked about our customer base. We talked about what their needs were. And so we went out searching for another business that was serving these same types of clients. And after our research, we discovered that there is a woman named Marie Forlio who serves as very similar customer base to Brook.

Now if you’re unfamiliar with Marie Forleo, she’s amazing. She was about 200,000 email subscribers. She’s homeys with Oprah. She sells a really popular course called [inaudible]. She has a really famous youtube channel. She’s a really incredible lady and if you look at her website, it’s very clear that she’s paid somebody a lot of money to design her site in a way that is optimized for conversions and sales. So we set out to brand sites pretty similarly to that of Marie Forleo’s and applying to six steps science of design hacking. We went from this original Facebook page that Brooke had to a site that looks like this.


You can see that at model Marie Forleo site without exactly copying it, I he design hacking. Anyway, the is finished. We started sending Facebook traffic to it and do you want another results? Brooke was able to go from charging 500 to $1,500 a month to charging $6,500 per month and this month she’s on track to make $100,000 in sales. Because of her increased design, she’s been able to break into a new set of customers, a more lucrative set of real estate agents who desperately need for coaching and services. I can $500 a month to $6,500 a month is quite the jump that you have to realize. Nothing changed. Your copy didn’t change, right? Her product didn’t change. The only thing that changed was the design and layout. Her sales jumped because she modeled her site after the design secrets embedded within Marie Forleo’s seven figure business. No, isn’t this exciting?

Money follows prestige and as your increased credibility increases, so does your sales and design is 100% critical in helping you to get there. Now just as a really quick side note, for those of you not necessarily wanting to use design hacking for fruit own business, but to help other businesses, I charge $10,000 for this funnel. And again, it took me a weekend. Okay? So if this is something that you’re interested in doing, you can most definitely 100% guaranteed make money with [inaudible]. So the truth is this, the truth is that when you leverage the sales secrets that are embedded within the designs of your competitors, you automatically start selling more. Isn’t that cool? So let me ask you a question. If you followed what I told you in secret one and actually when these principles of design hacking and then you went on to secret too, where you learn how to recreate any website on the internet to start seeing and thinking like a designer and then if you went on to secret three where you learned how to build custom designs that were modeled after multimillion dollar businesses that then brought in sales for you and your clients.

Do you think you could do this? Secret One, learn the six steps, science and design hacking secret to learn how to recreate any page so you get three. I had to make a custom design. Do you think you could do this? Do you think that you can be successful? Now, how many of you are excited about what we’ve talked about? Now I have another question. How many of you are a little overwhelmed because there’s a lot that’s just been thrown at you right now. We’ve covered a lot today, but I was wondering if it would be okay if I spend about 10 minutes with you going over an offer that created to help you to become a master. Does I happier now? If it’s not, go ahead and close out of this video, get out of here. But if you’re really interested in upping your sales and the sales of your clients using design hacking, is it okay if I share this with you?

Okay, great. So I want to introduce you to C F design school. CF At design school is a premium online course that is going to teach you how to design beautiful professional and high converting web pages that will explode your sales. And again, this is all without coding all without Photoshop or any other prior design knowledge. Now with the things that you’re gonna learn inside of CF design school, you’re going to start to see design improvements. Within 30 minutes, you’re going to start to see sales improvements. The second that you start sending traffic to your web page, customers will stop doubting your credibility and any embarrassment that you feel about your site right now because it is nowhere even near the design and professionalism of other competitors in your industry that’s gone. Consider that gone once you join CF design school. No, I want to walk you through exactly how CF design school works.

Now. See if design school was created to help you to make up the cost of the course, and I’m very serious about that. If you’re not making money with this design hacking skill, it, it’s not worth it for you. Don’t join the course, right? So that’s why I’m literally going to take you by the hand to show you how you can use your design hacking skills to make up the cost of this course. And I’m going to show you right now exactly how it happens. Instead of CF design school, there are nine different batches that you’re going to earn and these nine different badges are what are going to take you from where you are right now to making up the cost of the course. Do you making $10,000 within 30 days and I could not be more serious about this. Other people have done it before you over and over and over again.

Okay, so let’s go through these nine badges. Badge number one, this is your intro and your set up. Okay? We’re going to get you oriented, we’re going to get you set up. We’re going to get you acquainted with all the other design hackers in this group and I’m going to invite you to sign a contract that says that you are serious about making up the cost of this course. Okay? You will make money with design hacking and that’s what challenge number one is all about, is getting you in that mindset. Okay? So let me show you some examples of people who absolutely killed it and challenge number one,


And to help you to have the same success in this first challenge. Okay? There’s a whole module, this whole getting started module to assist you all along the way. So that’s bad number one. Now badge number two, this is your first recreation. So like you saw him. This examples that I showed you previously, I’m going to give you a very specific page and I’m going to have you recreate. This is going to help you to understand the six step science of design hacking. And again, just remember recruiting. It’s just the first step to learning how to design hack, okay? And you are going to absolutely kill it just like these people did. Okay? Next. So we have batch number three, the exact same thing, another recreation. We’re just going to get some practice under your belt. All right? So in this particular challenge though, you can choose any page you want to recreate. You don’t do the one I tell you literally any page you find on the Internet. Go for it. We create it. And I want to show you some examples of people that have gone before you.

You have this entire module design hacking the basics to help you through every single step. Then we have batch number four and I love this badge because this is where you’re going to start on your moneymaking journey. Okay? So what’s you’re going to do is you’re going to do a redesign for a potential client and yes, I’ll show you how to make a custom design that both converts in sales and yes, I’m going to tell you exactly how and where to find a potential client to design for and in fact, batch number five is you doing the exact same thing. Okay, we’re going to get to another potential client under your belt, redesigning a page for them. I’m going to show you exactly where to go, exactly what to say exactly what to do to make sure that you have some pain customers in the cube. And again you have this entire module design hacking beyond the basics to help you to get there and you’re going to start to see results like this one did for Taylor. Okay, so here is a customer that she got through challenge foreign five I’ll shoot again exactly how to do it and here is a redesign that she did.

Now we have badge number six which is just my favorite bad because this is where you turn this potential client into an actual customer. This is where you make the money can, again, I’m going to tell you what to do. This is not my first Rodeo. We had a ton of people come before you that have done this and they have all had success. Okay? If you follow the steps and you follow the badges within this, you’ll 100% make money with this. Make up the cost of the course and make so much more Rembert design hacking. It’s a science as is the process of selling it and want to share all the secrets with you. Just like I did with one of my students, Aaron. Okay. Now Aaron, she went through to one, two, three, four, five, got to six and do you all know she did. She has her own business coach who she then signed on as a client to redesign her own business coaches stuff. Is that amazing or what? Okay, so I’m going to show you exactly right process exactly what she did, but I did want to show you a sneak peek of her experience right here. Take a look. Okay. Can we just take us nagging to toggle out how good your redesign.


oh, so

well. She sent me a message yesterday. It was funny. Her response, she is, she’s so funny. He’s like, I don’t, I’m not a big cluster, but my first response to this was, shit, sorry guys is exactly the reaction we want. Yeah, I know so she is definitely, she’s like, let’s go. Let’s go. Just once the whole thing redesign, so totally nailed it.

Follow the program, trust the process and you will have results like this. Then we have badge number seven and this is where I’m going to have you watch the remainder of the course content. Now there’s so much goodness packed within this course that I want to make sure that you don’t miss a single thing to take your design skills to an unprecedented level, so not a number four we have intricate designs made easy. I’m going to teach you how to make images, logos, icons, cool backgrounds. This is where I’m going to show you kinda how to take your design to the next level again, without any special crazy tools. Module number five. This is where I’m gonna give you the design hacking checklist of this is where will be able to find a series of steps that will take you from zero to an a plus a hundred percent high converting, ready to go design and Lethbridge module number 60 advanced design hacking toolbox.

This is a crazy valuable resource where I give you links to free images, free tools, where to find sites to hack free backgrounds, free icons, free video content. Okay, I’m going to give it all to you in this module. Module number seven, brand strategy guides. I’m going to show you how to make a basic design structure for any site or business that you might be regrading so you don’t have to start and kind of reinvent the wheel with every page you do. This is going to help you to expedite your design process, but it can also be a really cool upsell for any business that you’re selling to. And next module number eight, how to automate your design sales. Now if you’re wanting to make funnel design a business for yourself, okay, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it, how to set up your system so you always have customers in the queue and that way you spend all your time on designing, which is the most fun part.

Okay? Consume that content and then you get badge number seven. Now we’re on to batch number eight now badge number eight. What do you need to do to get batch number eight all you have to do is make enough design sales to make up the cost of the course and usually that happens for people with either one sale or to sound. Again, I’m going to show you exactly how to do all of this, but either to get batch number eight you either need to make enough design sales of designing other people’s businesses, make up the cost of the course or just on the products and services and your own business with a newly redesigned page from what you learned from design hacking bathroom break easy. And what’s really exciting is that when you earn batch number eight, you become part of an exclusive group of design hackers. Okay? You’re going to get an official certificate, which is going to set you apart from every other funnel hacker. Okay? And you were also going to get a really cool design hacking t and finally, badge number nine. Where are you joining the 10 K club? Now in the course, I’m literally going to give you a map step by step up every single thing that you need to do to go from zero to 10 K in 30 days.

Mario, Mario, Mario, first of all, how’s your day to day? They can’t complain. It’s Friday. Yeah, I think most of my money on the book with this stuff on the weekend, so I’m really, really excited. Oh, you guys I am at sitting at the post office were really so excited because I’m about to send off and maybe my favorite package and I’ve ever sent off my life. I wasn’t proud of the way that my calls, I’d show the websites. My wife, she’s like, that looks like a scam and you want to know what it is on my shows or defcon four our dear friend Marianna, here we go. She just kind of achievement. My Ott has successfully completed all CF design school challenges, made over $997 on design sales and there’s an official design, very proud with my investment in your program.

Now that’s like when I deliver online sales funnels to customers like they’re beautifully designed, right? It went from like again became as the boy to me, charging 500 2,500 currently in talks for, you know, a $10,000 funnel build out all the hell that happened within a week of me by your folks too. He’s getting an official Zantac or teacher isn’t really worth it to actually learn, so no discredit to the click funnel software program. The funnels just, they don’t look professional. It’s not really built around beautifully designed but pages and it’s crazy how like you can act. That kind of threw me the things that you teach. It’s like it really was like me too. Like somebody who has no inkling of design. It’s a cue for me is wild that like there really is a science to design and it is the fact that you can take a really abstract concept, did like six logical steps that are sequential. That makes sense.

My God,

there is an official can for our first official design hacker who you are. Awesome. Thank you so much. So glad you’re in the course. So got it. His friend. That’s good. Okay, I think you’re the best. Thank you. Bye Bye.

Okay, and people are doing all the time now let me show you a little bit what you’re going to get when you become a member of the 10 k club. Okay. You’re gonna get cool swag. You’re going to special award, you’re going to get a certificate, you’re going to be exclusively one of the best funnel designers on the market. I am telling you, how can I tell you are going to make money with design hacking? All right, so who is CF design school for? It’s for anyone already selling a product or service online. It’s for anybody who wants to sell a product or service online. It’s for anybody that helps people sell products or services online or anybody that wants to help people sell products or services online. It’s for anybody who wants to increase their online sales. It’s for anybody who wants to increase their credibility.

It’s for anybody who was embarrassed, even to the slightest degree of their web pages. It is for anybody who wants to learn a side hustle and make some money by the weekend and it is for anybody that wants to break open a new set of customers. Now, can you see yourself becoming a master design hacker? Can you see yourself making serious money with this? Because I can now, right now you might be thinking, I don’t really think I need to get started right now and my designs are horrible. They’re just kind of good enough and I’m going to tell you why that thinking is going to hold you back from success. May I remind you again that people determine the credibility of your webpage within 0.5 seconds, half of a second, but over 90% of what they are judging is your design, so to you, design maybe an afterthought, but to your potential customers and maybe the first and sometimes the only thought that they ever have about you or your business, your business literally cannot afford to not have this design hacking skill in it’s repertoire.

Are you starting to realize this as well? So here’s what you’re going to get when you join CF design school, okay? You’re going to get all of these modules including all of the steps that we’ll take you through these badges to earn up the cost of the course as well as 10 K in 30 days. Okay? This is a $1,997 value, but also a safe design school. Let me give you so much more, okay. Including a free two week trial to try out the funnel building software click funnels, okay. Click funnels. For those of you that don’t know, it’s an amazing funnel building software and it’s a funnel building tool that will enable you to do it without any sort of coding. Okay? Now, designing packaging, it can be applied to any other funnel building software.K , if your Kajabi person, great. If your lead pages person, great, but I’m going to show you within click funnels.

The reason being is I’ve tried them all and I truly believe that click funnels in the best. So again, I’m going to give you a two week free trial to use click funnels. Now, with clickfunnels, let me tell you everything that you’re going to get. You’re going to get nearly a thousand funnels, nearly 10,000 pages. You can have up to 10 million visitors, okay? To your sites. You can have unlimited members and membership sites. So if you wanna build your own courses, go for it. You can create optin pages to build your email list. You create sales funnels with upsells and down sells to sell your products and your services. You can build webinar funnels, automated webinar funnels, product launch funnels, membership funnels, okay? You were going to have the power to transform your brand’s credibility. Within minutes, you’re going to have the ability to start selling your service product as soon as you can design a webpage, which after CF design school will be 30 minutes and you won’t have to be held hostage by ugly templates once you have this tool.

Plus, see if design school, okay. Now here’s what’s even more exciting with click funnels. Let me tell you now not what you’re going to get, but what you could get rid of. You can get rid of your landing pitch off or your split testing software. It’s all within clickfunnels, okay? Your shopping cart or any integration, you have, your automated webinar software, get rid of it. You already have it within a click funnels, your membership site, software, Photoshop, wordpress, your website, hosting programmers, designers, so much more, okay? Now imagine the most powerful and simple webpage builder on the planet. Now imagine it on steroids and you have click funnels and again, with CF design school, I’m going to give you a free two week trial. You can try it out, test it out and click funnels. Combined with design hacking, this is the good night game over combination that we’ll be able to take you and your business to a completely new level and I’m going to help you get it right the first time.

Okay. There’s your trial and error period. No guessing. Now I know that are some of the other thing is, well I can’t really use this tool because then after these two weeks I’m going to have to start paying for it and to write and depending on what package you get, you’re either going to be paying $97 a month or $297 a month. But here’s why you shouldn’t worry. We are not worried about this. The increase of sales that you will get through design. In that case, we’ll cover the cost of this offer. Remember how this whole course is built to help you to make up the cost of the course? Yeah, you’re gonna make more than that in two seconds I’m going to show you the step by step method to make up the cost of suit design school as well as the cost of click funnels.

Okay? And here’s another cool thing that’s happening with my design hackers is that when they designed funnels for other people, they actually have these people sign up for click funnels to software underneath their affiliate link. So they have enough people signing up underneath their affiliate link where they get 40% of the cut. So their software’s free, their expenses paid for it because they have so many people signed up underneath them. And again, I’ll show you how to do all of this as well. Don’t stress, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it. In fact, I’m going to give you a free two week trial case. You could poke around in there, you can get everything that you need to see, feel confident moving forward with design hacking and with the software isn’t making sense. Okay, so there’s two week free trial click funnels is worth $147 but you’re going to get it for free when you join CF design school today.

Okay? And these are things you hate it. You can cancel it, no questions asked. So here’s what you’re going to get with CF design school. Kate, you’re going to get the entire program. See if design school, uh, $1,997 value, you’re going to get this two week free trial of clickfunnels, a $147 value, okay? That’s a $2,144 value. Now before I move on and show you all the other bonuses that I have for you, okay, I wanted to just remind you really quickly of what my life was before I ever had design hacking. My business was struggling because I didn’t have the skill set to make it run and I knew I could do more and I knew I could make more money but I wasn’t. Does that sound familiar? Now let me tell you what your life can be like. Once you get design hacking into your repertoire, you’ll be able to create seven figure funnels for yourself and your clients.

You’ll be able to move forward on any product or idea super quickly creating web pages that sell and compete with the big guns. And can you imagine what that would do for you, for your life and your business? And for your family and that. Cool. So if it’s okay with you, I want to give you another bonus that cool with you. Now I want to give you what’s called the design hacking templates. When you joined CF design school, I’m going to give you access to all of my design hacking templates. Okay. Now at this includes over 20 design hacking templates that have been made using the six step science of design hacking and they are from all different niches including business information products, ecommerce products, weight loss products, relationship products, tech products, lifestyle products and so much more. And I’m also going to include the templates for my own personal brand.

Automate Academy and see at design school would end this bonus. Okay, so you’re going to get my homepage, my automate academy bald, the Automate Academy Team v page. Okay. My about me page, my affiliate sales page, the CIF Design School Optin Page, the CF design school webinar registration page, the sales funnel page. Okay. As well as a membership funnel. Now, what am I going to go off and give you a bunch of templates, especially at when I feel like you know, I’ve been hating on templates for the last little bit. The reason why is because these templates have been built using the design packing process, and here’s the thing. If you want to use these templates, great, but the real reason why I’m giving you these templates is because they’re going to help to expedite your own personal design hacking skills. And let me tell you how it’s basically like I’m giving you a premium backstage pass.

Okay? I guarantee you’re going to look at some of these designs. You’re going to think there’s no way that I could ever do this, but when you get these templates, you can blow them into your editor and you can go and start to see like, oh, that’s how she did that. Oh, that’s how that happened. Oh, this is, I could totally see how I could do this. Now it’s kind of like having all of your favorite magic tricks reveals isn’t a nice, and I had to go through hours and hours of research and tens of thousands of dollars to have this skillset to produce these bumps. You don’t have to worry about that because I’m going to give all these design hacking templates to you today for free. These temples are $4,410 value, okay? So when you join CF design school, let’s review. You’re going to get the actual core CF design school $1,997 value.

You’re going to get a two week free trial to clickfunnels, a $147 value, and you’re going to get all of the design hacking templates, okay? A $4,410 value. That is a total of $6,554 but with everything we’ve learned today, I realize you don’t know what, there still might be a lot of you that aren’t sold on this whole design hacking thing. Okay? So we want to make this even more of an easier decision for you. So when you join CFT assigned school, you’re also going to get access to my course called click funnels made easy. Now, I had to go through certification programs, two years, almost $20,000 okay? To learn the true strategy and all the details behind the software. But what am I going to do? I’m just going to give it to offer free, okay? See if design school is all about how to design funnels, but if your funnels aren’t set up properly, they’re not really that valuable.

So that’s what clickfunnels made easy is all about, okay? I’m going to make sure that every single step of this process is made easy and some freedom. So within clickfunnels made easy, I’m gonna show you a few things, okay? I’m gonna show you how to actually host your funnels on the Internet. I’m going to show you how to integrate your website to an email service providers. You can capture people’s emails when they put them in, okay? I’m show you how to do that. I’m going to show you how to collect payments online. I’m going to show you what the button means, how to use the editor, okay, and so much more, and again, I’m going to do it all in a way that is simple and straightforward forward. We’re talking an annoyingly high degree of detail here. There is no way you can get lost with this.

Are you getting all of us? Okay, so click funnels. My easy is going to ensure that you don’t need to know anything, not even the slightest bit. If you can follow a simple set of instructions, you’re set, but some of you might be thinking, well, a higher bonus sat on helping us with these techie things. Then if this whole thing, it just must be too tacky right now. That’s simply not true. I’m going to show you why. Okay? If you guys ever bought a puzzle before, now, it was probably two summers ago, I bought a puzzle for my family reunion. I was like, Oh, this will be fun. I’ll do it with my cousins. Okay, so we poured out all the pieces. I was excited to do it. And a puzzle is pretty self explanatory for the pieces out. Put them together, make the picture.

Okay. The it really surprised me when I bought this particular puzzle is that when I poured out all the pieces with my little cousins, what actually came out as well was a printed set of instructions for how to do a puzzle and our thinking, who needs a set of instructions put together a puzzle. And I kind of laughed thinking like, are these really necessary? But there’s this slight whisper comfort in the back of my head that was like, you know, Barrow and crazy and forgot how to do a puzzle and thought that I have these things. And that’s what clickfunnels made easy is all about. Okay, when you join CF design school, and not only am I going to take you step by step, but I want to do every single thing I can do to eliminate any ounce of stress, any ounce of worries.

And that’s what this bonus clickfunnels made easy is all about. Does that sound good to you? Now clickfunnels minis, $2,997 value. So see if design school you’re going to get, see if design school $1,997 value, you’re going to get the two week free trial of clickfunnels. You’re going to get the design hacking templates and you are also going to get click funnels made easy. That is a total value of $9,551 now I realize that becoming a master funnel designer, the real intent for all of this, right is to increase your sales and the amount of customers that you have. So I wants to do every single thing that I can do to help you to get there. So what I decided to do is I decided to include five more bonuses that center around specifically up in your sales and your convergence. You have you good with that?

So what’s the first of the five bonuses? It is the pricing, packaging and positioning course. The pricing, packaging, positioning course is going to show you exactly what to charge, how to charge, how to package, how to acquire customers. If you’re wanting to build funnels for other people. Now, so much of my problem when I was getting started is I didn’t know what to charge. It didn’t know how much I was worth. I didn’t quite know how to get out of this Rut of working for free for people, but I built this course pricing, packaging and positioning to ensure that that never happens to you. Now the second of the five bonus, this is called the email design secrets course. Now the email design secrets course is going to show you how to design emails for optimal conversions and click-throughs. It really does you no good if people really like your website, but they’re repulsed by the emails that you send them.

It’s kind of like you had a good first impression, but you weren’t really able to keep up the gig and nobody wants that. So email design secrets, it’s going to show you how to wow your customers with your design across every medium. Okay? And the third bonus, the sales spike video editing course. Now, this course is awesome because it is going to teach you how to quickly improve the quality of your videos. Now it’s not going to help you to become a world-renowned videographer, okay? But it is going to help you to know how to create videos that match the quality of the design of your funnel page because a beautiful site and a crappy video kind of sends a weird message and it just, it confuses your customers. Okay? So we’re gonna eliminate that problem altogether with this bonus here. So to recap the sales bike video editing course and he’s going to teach you how to make incredible looking videos from start to finish to embed within your funnels.

Now here’s where things get exciting. Okay, here is the fourth bonus that we have and these are the group coaching calls. Now I am so serious about helping you to succeed. So for everybody enrolled in the course, we are going to have a weekly group coaching call. And in these all teach new cutting edge design principle, okay? To make sure that you are always up on the times and also these trainings, they’re totally based off of trends and questions that I am seeing within the design hackers in our group. Okay, so these are targeted and every week they are created to help you and your specific questions and they’re forever available for you to watch and rewatch over and over and over again. I want to shoot this quick thing to kind of give you an idea of some of the topics that are covered in our group coaching calls. Is that cool with you?

Now let’s go on to our fifth bonus and that is the design hacker’s Facebook group. When you join, see if design school, you’re going to be able to join an exclusive and amazing and incredibly talented and supportive and kind and just freaking getting stuff done. Group of design hackers, this is the frickin cools community. Okay? This is where you can post your funnels, get feedback, ask questions, get suggestions and support one another. As we embark on this design hacking journey and this group and its support in this built in accountability, it is absolutely crucial to helping you to succeed in your design hacking endeavors. Believe me, you want to be friends with these people. They are so awesome. Now let me go through these five additional bonuses one more time. Okay, so we have the pricing, packaging and positioning forces of $997 value. Then we have the email design secrets course of $297 value.

We have the sales spike video editing course of $2,497 value. Then we have the group coaching calls. These are forever ongoing. Okay? This is a $2,997 value and finally we have the design hacking Facebook group, which is a $497 value. So again, when you enroll in, see if design school, let’s review, you’re going to get the actual core CF design school a two-week free trial to click funnels. The design hacking templates, click funnels made easy pricing, packaging and positioning course. The email design secrets course. You’re then going to get the sales spike video editing course, the group coaching calls and access to our exclusive design hacker Facebook group. This brings us to a total value of $16,836 now, obviously, I’m not going to charge you $6,836 but if all CF design school did was help you to build a profitable funnel, let’s say $1 and $2 out, would that be worth it to you?

Yes. If all CF design school did was helping to provide a better life for your family and your children, would this be worth it to you? Yes. If all CF design schools did was help you to be able to share your message with more people, would it be worth it to you? Yes. If all this did was show you how to design a seven figure funnel and 30 minutes without any tech skills, would it be worth it to you? Yes. If all this did was give you the ability to never have to be held hostage by a designer or a tech guy for the rest of your life, would that be worth it to you? Yes. If all this did was guarantee that you never had to waste another minute or another cent on an unsatisfactory and incomplete design training, would that be worth it to you?

Yes. If all this did was make just a single one of your funnels produce seven figures in revenue, would that be worth it to you? Yes. Now when I was deciding how to price, see if design school, I kind of have one of two choices. Now. The first choice was to go as cheap as possible and then to sell to as many people as possible. But the problem with that is that there would be no real incentive to pile the value on. It would cost me more to make the course than it would be worth, but my second choice was to raise the price a tiny bit so that I could give you every single piece and every single resource that you needed to be successful. And that’s what I decided to do. Why? Because I am so much more interested in you succeeding than a me making a quick buck.

You could see if all this course did was help you to build one profitable funnel, you can actually see how people would pay $16,836 for this. And the reason is because it’s not a cost, it’s simply an investment. But I’m not going to charge you $16,836 a mom even going to charge you $1,997 which is the value of the course just itself about any other of the bonuses. And the reason is, is because you’ve spent this time with me today. You shown that you’re invested, you’ve shown that you want to make a change in your life and in your business and I respect that. And so today I am going to give you the offer and the ability to join CF design school for only $997 are you getting this now? When you join CF design school? I want to let you know totally a front.

There’s a 30 day back money guarantee. Okay? You don’t even need to have a reason if you’re not happy with it, if something comes up, you can’t do it anymore, just let me know within 30 days, write me a little email. Just say refund. It’s cool. We’re friends. We can still be business friends. No hard feelings. Just let me know. No questions asked. Okay. It’s chill. Is that reassuring? I hope that’s reassuring for you. Okay, so I guess the real question is, is is it worth gambling a few minutes of your time to check this out, because even if this only does half of what I’ve claimed today, this course will pay for itself by the weekend. Now I want you to know something about me. I am no one special. I am no one special and I am not a design guru or genius as you saw.

I really struggled with design, okay. And online business when I first got started, but that’s kind of what I love about design hacking. Okay? Literally anybody can do it and that includes you. So when you’re ready to change your life and become a master funnel designer, this is what I need you to do. I need you to open up a browser window, okay? You can do Firefox chrome if you’re still on the Internet explorer. Sure. Live your life. Go for that. Open it up. Okay. Then I’m going to have you type in forward slash go and on this page you’re gonna see this design and then if you scroll down to the bottom, you’ll see that there are a few payment options. Okay? You can do a single payment of 997 a three payment option and there’s even a seven payment option. Okay? I want to make this as easy as possible for you to become a part of it.

Now, once you click on one of those, you’ll be sent to an order form page, just putting your information really quick, and then you’ll be sent to a page where you can immediately make your user name and password. Click on the button, and then you’re in. You’re literally inside of the course as quick as that. And of course you have any issues, just reach out to me and my team, Katherine Automate Academy. We’ll take care of you asap. So are you ready to get started now? If for what ever reason, you are still on the fence about this, I want to make this even more of a no brainer for you. So for the first 18 students that enroll and see if design school, you are going to get free one on one coaching with me and funnel design reviews. Now remember, if you don’t succeed, then I don’t succeed.

So I’m going to do everything in my power to help you to succeed. Again, I’m going to do this in several different ways. Okay? We have one on one coaching calls, but I’m also going to give you free funnel designer views. Okay? You send me a design, we’re going to tweak it, come through it, make sure it’s absolutely perfect so that when you launch it and put it live, you can be absolutely certain that it is going to be high converting and getting sales. Okay? So can you see yourself succeeding with all of these resources available to you? Now you might be like, Oh, do I want to work with this? Check it off. Which again, ballad, I don’t know. Maybe know me. Maybe you don’t. Now if that’s the case, I want to direct you to what one of my coaching clients said. Okay?

He said recently, I learned more in 15 minutes with Catherine than I have through any coach or any study that I had done in the last 10 years. So we’re good. [inaudible] don’t work with me. I’m going to say is I paid a price to learn the stuff that I know and I want to help you in using those skills to take you and your business to the next level. So these individual coaching calls and designer views, these are priceless software. Okay? So again, if you joined, if design school, let me walk you through what you’re going to get. Okay? You’re gonna get the actual course, CF design schools. You were going to get a two week free trial to clickfunnels. You are going to get the design hacking templates, click funnels made easy course. You are going to get the pricing, packaging and positioning course, the email design secrets course, the sales spike video editing course are gonna get the group coaching calls.

You’re going to be able to join our design hacker Facebook group and for the first people that join those first 18 people that join, you’re going to get one on one coaching calls with me as well as funnel design reviews. And again, all of this you can get started for $997 or different payment plans. Okay, just go to forward slash go and if you’re ready to go, click on the button now so you can become one of those first 18 people to grab this deal so that we can work one on one together. Now really quickly, I wanted to show you what some of my students have said about the course. So I got this one in last night. Okay. So I actually had a husband and wife team join the course and this guy’s name is Phillip. And this is what it said. Okay?

He said, amazing course. That’s my wife’s impression. She was like, oh mg. Finally, somebody made a real click funnels course that explains everything step by step. Okay, this one is from Anna Lisa. She said, I finally found an online course that I truly love, so practical and easy to follow. All right, so the way that I see it, you have two choices. Your first option do nothing. Option number two is you pony up a tiny investment compared to all the value that you’re going to get. You join CF design school, give it a test, work your booty off for a hot second, make some serious money, and then even after all of that, if you’re still don’t want to be a part of it, let me know within 30 days, give you all your money back. So again, are you ready to get started now? There still might be some thoughts or doubts going on in your head.

Okay, so actually before I ever launched, see if design school, I actually interviewed a ton of people to talk about what might be some of your concerns. What might be some things you’re hesitant about, and so whether or not you’ve had these questions, I thought I’d walk through them because I wanted to make sure that you, all of your concerns are just totally alleviated, dissipated so that you can join a hundred percent confident that this is the right thing for you and your business. And again, it makes sense if you still have doubts, you’re about to invest in yourself and you should feel confident that this is the right thing for you. So stick around if you still have questions, if not, go ahead. Join us. CF design, forward slash go okay. If you’re still a little bit hesitant, stick around. I want to walk you through a few things.

Okay, so here’s one question that somebody asked me, okay? They said, isn’t there copyright issues at play here with design hacking? Is this even legal? Okay. Is this absolutely legal? Yes. 100% reason being is we don’t actually ever publish these perfectly recreate a pages and let’s just for practice, okay? When we publish is pages, they’re totally custom designs. We’ve just taken the sales secrets embedded within their design. It’s kind of like how you can have, uh, two songs. I have the same core progression and it’s fine. Same principle with design hacking, totally legal, don’t stress about it. Another thing that somebody said, I will just Google this and learn on my own. I bet somebody else and teach me now as somebody who has paid or $15,000 looking for this specific type of advice, and for somebody who has paid over $30,000 in internet marketing and education, I can just tell you, you’re not going to find it anywhere else.

Okay? If you do, let me know. I’d love to know it, but I had been searching for years and again, $15,000 specifically just specifically for funnel design advice and I still didn’t find it. This is a place that you need to be. See if design school teach you everything you need to know another question. Okay, this is what another concern somebody had. They said, I can get the same results from free templates that click funnels or another landing page software gives me, you can, and here’s why. Okay. The structure of the templates is actually pretty great, but the design is terrible. People will still come to your site and immediately think that you’re not credible. And if you’re using the same templates as everybody else, your business looks like everybody else, which just decreases your credibility even more. And if you don’t look credible, people won’t feel comfortable enough to buy.

Okay? So if you’re ready to get started, go to CF design forward slash go, let’s get you in and get you started. Okay? But here’s another question. In case you’re not quite ready. Somebody wants said, what if I already have a clickfunnels account? You already have a clickfunnels account. That’s great. Okay, you’re just a few steps ahead of everybody else. So I’ll teach you how to use the software. I’ll teach you how to incorporate what you already have and I’ll show you how you can then apply some through your designs to these funnels that you may already have started to kind of build. So yeah, you’re awesome. You’re just a step ahead of the rest, so I think that’s great. Now here’s another thing somebody said, they said, I feel like I can apply what I know about funnel hacking two design hacking. Now I am sure that there are a lot of you listening, right, that have been indoctrinated into this idea of funnel hacking.

And to those of you that say that you are going to apply funnel hacking for design hacking, I say to you, freak. Yeah, that’s awesome. I think that’s a great idea. The general gist of design hacking, right, is to strip the ideas of other businesses that are more successful than you ensure funnel hacking can help with that. Okay, but let me just ask you this. If all you had to do was funnel hack to design hack, what don’t we already, I’ll be doing it. Okay. There’s an exact six steps science that you need in order to produce high converting designs and that’s what you’re gonna find it inside a sea of school. Okay, so go ahead. Join us now. Not something that somebody else said. Okay. They said, I’d rather outsource and hire a custom web designer to design all of my web pages for me.

My only response to that is this, if you want to pay 10 to 20 grand for a web designer, I have a ton of students who are awesome at designing. Let me pass some of them on Dia. They can totally do this job for you. Okay? If you want to pay, great. I just have a slew of design hackers ready to design for you, but if you’re not in the business of copping out 10 to 20 grand for every funnel that you want to build, see if design schools for you, okay. Something else somebody said, okay, I bet clickfunnels teaches me something about design. I’ll just learn for them. I think click funnels is the best click funnels has changed my life. They teach so many great things, but they do not teach design. You will not find it there. So CF design school, it’s where you need to be.

Another question, what tools and software do I need to become a master design hacker? Okay, so I’m going to be teaching you using click funnels. If you want to apply these design hacking principles using Kajabi lead pages, instapage, or whatever you want to do, sure, you can go ahead and do that. I’m going to teach you on click funnels. I simply think it’s the most versatile tool. Okay, sure. Going to need a funnel building software. Again, I’ll show you how to use click funnels and you’re going to need about two or three different Google chrome plugins. If you don’t know what a Google chrome plug it in is, don’t stress, I’m going to show you exactly what to do. It’s super simple, but yeah, that’s it. Click funnels, Google chrome. You’re good to go. And if you’re ready, let’s go ahead and get started. Okay.

CF design, forward slash. Go. Now, here’s another, okay. How could design hacking work when people pay tens of thousands of dollars to get specific web design training? It feels too good to be true. Okay, so because one of the main principles of design hacking is actually leveraging the designs of these people who are spending 10 to $20,000 getting design things done for them. That’s why we’re able to do it. We’re just leveraging the work of smarter, more successful people than us so that we can yield the same results in just a tiny amount of time. Here’s what other question do you have a payment plan? Of course I have a payment plan. Okay. You can either drink safe design school for one payment of nine 97 or three payments of three 97 or some payments of $197 okay. The reason why I did that, again, I just want to make it as easy as possible for you to join CF design school.

I get it. I’ve been there before. Sometimes use, literally don’t have a grant that you can do. Sometimes you can only be $197 cool. I’m all about it. I don’t care. I just want you in the program. Okay? So whatever works best for you. A one payment plan, three or seven great, go ahead, go to [inaudible] dot com forward slash go and if you scroll down to the bottom, if you remember are the three different options. You can choose what you want to do there and we’ll go ahead and get you started. Now in conjunction with this, somebody wants it to me. I can’t afford $997 right now. And my response to them is yes, you literally can. Okay. Because if you remember it, these nine badges, I’m literally going to take you, hold you by the hand, take you step by step to making up the cost of those cores.

If you don’t make money with design hacking, then what is the point? Okay, I am here to help you to make money. And that’s exactly what I wanted to do. So anybody that says a can’t afford $997 right now, not true. You’re literally going to make up the cost of the course if you follow the program. So what I say to you, go for it. Invest in it. If for whatever reason the bumps you out, I dunno, let me know. Within 30 days it’s chill. Get out of there, but you can’t, okay, you can afford $997 now here’s another questions. Do you offer support if we get stuck? Yes. That’s the whole point of the Facebook Group, the group coaching calls. Okay. I am in that group every single day. There’s so many other people that are in that group every single day. And I do a specific training every single week to make sure that I’m getting your questions answered.

And let’s say you have a very specific question. Cool. You can submit it. I have a way that you can do that and we can make sure that we get you all taken care of. So I am not about taking your money and just letting it fly for you. Okay? I want to make sure that I’m with you every step of the way so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Any questions that you have along the way, great. Bring them up. Let’s take care of them. So, yeah, totally offer support along the way. Another thing, okay, how will I know if I’m one of the first 18 to buy on this webinar? Okay, you’re gonna receive an email in the next 24 hours. It will let you know whether or not you’re one of the first 18 okay? If for whatever reason you’re not, don’t worry about it, we can figure out another plan to get you in there.

Okay? So, so just know though, you’ll get an email within 24 hours. Now here’s another thing. Somebody wants it to mean. I honestly thought this was kind of funny. They said design hocking might work, but let it cure a bad teacher, honestly. Fair. That’s fair. Okay, sure. Here’s the thing that rest assured, at the end of the day, I’ve had too many students go through this and be successful for that to be the case. So just know you have so many success stories ahead of you that you can just feel so calm and certain that if you follow this process, it’s proven it’s going to work for you. Okay? Even if I guess I end up being a horrible teacher. Now, here’s something that somebody said, they said, I have literally never even heard a click funnels or any other software you’re talking about. Don’t worry about it.

I’ll show you exactly what it is, exactly how to do it. All you need to decide is this is does my business need a design picks list, dancers, yes, we’re ready for you. Another question you might answer is, do I want to help increase the sales of other businesses using design? Faceless? The answer’s yes. You ready to go? Don’t worry about the software’s. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. Just join it. CF design, forward slash. Go. Now here’s another one. Somebody once said, I would rather use lead pages or another web page building software. Again, totally find the principles will apply to whatever, um, funnel design software you’re using. I just personally teach clickfunnels because I think it is the best, but we have people in our queue course using Kajabi. We have people in our first using lead pages. Okay, so again, whatever you’re most comfortable with, but I just personally, I’ve tried a majority of them.

I think click funnels is the best and I want to make sure that I give you the best. So I teach in click funnels that you can apply it to anything you want. Okay. Now here’s another question I got. Okay. Somebody said, I know I need a website, but I have no idea where to start and I’ve never made a website before is see if design school right for me, if you have never created any sort of webpage before, perfect, don’t worry. Come on in. We start from ground zero. Okay? So you don’t need to have any prior tech skills, any prior design skills, we will take care of you. Okay? So if you need a website, but you never built one before, see if design school is 100% for you. Again, if you’re ready to get ready, see if design forward slash go.

Now here’s another one. Somebody said, okay. They said, I’m not even sure I’m clear on what I want to sell or how I want to sell it. Should I already start learning these skills? The answer, absolutely yes. Because here’s something that I want to tell you. Okay? Sales are determined on a lot of different things, but not knowing how to present your product or your service via design, right? Well, 100% influence how your sales are going to go, and if you don’t know this, it’s going to stop you from having the success that you want guaranteed. So if you want to just start off on the right foot, become an expert designer, that’s what you should do. So that that way, the second you are ready to sell or launch your product or service, you will know that it will succeed the first time. Okay, this is what somebody sends me to kind of made me laugh.

It’s a, you’re an expert on automation, so why are you selling a course on funnel design? Great question. Here’s the thing, because in order to automate your sales, you have to have great design, okay? It doesn’t matter what kind of strategy you set up. If you have the most amazing sales funnel strategy, but your site is so ugly that nobody stays on it long enough to see what you’re selling, then it doesn’t matter. Okay? So design is a huge part of automating your sales because what your design looks like and how it makes your customers feel is just so dependent on how people are going to buy. So in order to automate your sales, you have to have epic design, and that’s why me as an expert automation sells a course on awful design. Now, there might be some of you out there that thinking, I don’t really know if I’m capable of this.

I want to walk you through some concerns that some other people told me. Maybe you’re feeling these as well. Okay, so somebody wants, sends me, I don’t feel like I have time to learn this. Now you’re wrong. Okay. This whole design hacking process takes about 30 minutes to learn. That’s one episode of, this is us, my sister, watch Grey’s anatomy, Grey’s anatomy fan. Okay? Just basically a single TV show, you will learn the process and you’ll be able to start to see design improvements. Okay. Now to go through the entire course, honestly, it’s just as fast as you want to do it, okay? The faster you want to make money, the more you go through it, but on average for about the first two or three weeks, people spend about a half an hour a day and they’re able to get everything that they need done. Okay? I’ve also had people plow through in a weekend and be just amazingly successful.

So again, if you have never built a website before, I’ve also had people that pay $25,000 for an Internet coach go through this program, okay? They pick it up all the same. So really the pace is however fast you want to do it, but know that you will start to see results within 30 minutes. Okay? Now here’s another one. Somebody said kind of similar to before, I’ve never built a webpage before, so I think this is too advanced for me. Again, if you know how to open a web browser, go to Google and search for something. You got enough tech shops, you’re going to be fine. So yeah, you can go to Google. If you’re watching this, you know enough to go on Google, okay? So you’re going to be fine. And if you’re ready to get started, remember CF design, forward slash go and we’ll get you all set up.

Now here’s another thing somebody said, they said, I don’t need to learn how to do design. I care about you, but you’re wrong with cables. Go back to literally statistics and facts that we know people determine the credibility of your site within 0.5 seconds and over 90% of what they’re judging is your design, okay? So if you want people to stay on your page long enough to see what you’re selling, you need to have good design and see if design school can help you to do that. Okay? Okay. Here’s another thing. Somebody said, I appreciate it. This, this was pretty vulnerable. They said, I’m embarrassed at my colleagues will mock my redesign if my redesigned website doesn’t look much better than the original. Okay, here’s the thing. See if design school is going to help you to significantly change your design. Okay, we’re going to take you from like a c minus to a c plus.

Okay? We’re going to see minus to a plus and I am not kidding. So any fear that you might have that you’re redesigns might not look it back. Good, don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of it. And also too, before you launch anything, one eye, if you follow the process is going to look great, but if you need some extra validation and assurance, mostly within our group we can give you additional suggestions. And also we’ll make sure that we validate you to know that before you send it out into the wild, it looks good. So no stress there. Here’s another thing. So many studies, an older guy, he said, I can’t even match my clothes. I know I would not be good at this. Now, here’s the thing is, did you previously, in regards to tech skills, if you can search for something on Google, you’re good enough.

And so you have to sign school. Now in regards to design chops, let me tell you your baseline understanding you need, okay? If you can tell me the answer to this question, what would most people think is more cute baby Labrador puppy or a naked mole rat? If you choose puppy, you going to be fine. Okay, see if design forward slash go now, just a few more. Okay, so somebody said, my websites, I’m the best, but they’re not horrible. I don’t think I really need this, okay? Remember, going back, designed to you may be an afterthought, but to your potential customers, it is sometimes the one and only thought they will ever have about you and your business, okay? So you absolutely cannot afford to not have exceptional, incredible design in your business. Okay? So even though too, you’re like, ah, it’s not that bad.

It actually is your set. You’re literally leaving money on the table and see if design school is going to help you to not do that anymore. Here’s another thing somebody said, they said, my business isn’t a seven figure business, so I shouldn’t have a seven figure design. First thing is that dishonest. If you have amazing design, even if you’re just getting started out, okay, you’re not deceiving anybody. You’re letting people know the quality of your products, your online presence should match the quality of your products and services. That is what design is all about, okay? That’s what these seven figure designs are going to help you to do, so you’re not deceiving anybody. And here’s the thing. You might say like, hmm, I don’t want to increase my design because then that will put me in the category of like my big competitors and I’m not ready for that.

Well, let me spit some honest truth. You okay? You’ve always been competing with them regardless of how good your design is or not, okay? So when you up your design, you were going to up your sales and all of a sudden probably for the first time, you’re going to be able to actually compete with the leading competitors and businesses in your industry. That’s what CF design school can do for you. Okay, here’s another one. Okay. I’ve already put some salt effort into being better at design and I don’t think whatever you could teach me, it would even help. Okay. One little pessimistic, but it’s okay. Here’s the thing. You’re not going to find what you’ll find and see if design school, anywhere else, it is a new vehicle to help you to get to where you want to be. Okay. It’s not some improvement of another course.

It’s not me tweaking just one or two things I’ve learned in other courses. The reason why design hacking is so incredibly successful is that it teaches you a brand new way, a brand new six steps science to design that you cannot find anywhere else. Okay? So I understand the frustration because I’ve been there. I understand the frustration because I’ve been there. I paid a lot of money to try and learn this skill. Okay, but the reason why you will be successful and why what you will find within this course will be valuable to you is because it literally is unlike anything that anybody has ever produced. It is a brand new method to design. That is why you will be successful. Okay? So if you’re ready to get started, CF design, forward slash go. Now here’s another thing, somebody wants it. If I rebrand, I’m going to lose customers.

That might be true. It’s usually not, but that might be true, but it won’t be compared to the ones that you gain. Don’t stress about it and they’ll think, I won’t be able to maintain my business if I am to successful. First of all, if that is an awesome problem to have. Secondly, you’re in luck, my business called automate academy where I help you to automate your business processes. You’re going to be just fine. Okay, so let’s get to that problem and then we’ll deal with it again. If you’re ready to get started, CF design, forward slash go. Now, there might be some of you who are maybe like a little bit more skeptical about how actually up in Europe design game is going to help increase your sales. Anyway, so let me walk you through some of these concerns. Now, here’s something that somebody said, okay, they said this, they said, what is considered a good design always changes?

How can I be sure that I don’t redesign and then have to redesign again? Okay, there’s no stress or you’re gonna create a bunch of new work for yourself. In fact, if you fall like big companies will say like, um, like Nike, okay? Their website doesn’t go through like a huge rehaul redesign all the time. They usually just make tiny tweaks and changes and I’ll show you again how to make sure that you know how to make those tiny tweaks and changes along the way, but you’re not going to have to redesign over and over and over again. I’ll teach you everything you need to know so you’re not going to create a whole bunch of work for yourself. It’ll be totally fine. Another thing, how can I be sure that I pick the right redesigned to model? This is such a good question. Okay.

I actually have an exact formula for this is called the A, B, c, d plus swipes messed that, okay? You’re gonna know exactly what that means once you get inside of CF design school, but the basic gist, okay? Is this, if you model your design after somebody that is serving the same type of customer as you get to go, that’s the basic jest. Again, I’ll walk you through exactly how to find those people, how to find those businesses, but that is the gist model. Your Business and your design after other people that are serving your same customers, you’re going to kill it. Now, again, here’s another one. What if I don’t have time to completely redesign my site? Okay? Like with all things started a little bit at a time. You can start with one page, work on another one later, but I’m gonna actually show you how you can clone the structure of your pages so you don’t have to like recreate a ton of different pages.

You can just create one and kind of structure it throughout your whole new website design. Okay, so don’t stress about that. Here’s another thing. Somebody said that the woman said this to me. She said, my spouse will kill me if I buy another online course. Okay? Tell them that you can literally turn the skill around by the weekend, have the costs made up, follow the processor in the money. That’s how it works. If you’re ready to get started, CF design, forward slash go another thing somebody said, okay, I have too many other things to focus on in my business designs. The last thing on my mind, here’s the thing, if you’re still on this Webinar, obviously design is not the last thing on your mind, and again, can I remind you, this is not the last thing on your mind and it does. Most, certainly not the last thing on your customer’s mind.

Your customers deserve better and you deserve more sales. CF design school can help you get there. Okay, one more question. Okay. Somebody wants to be said, I am afraid that this won’t be profitable. You do not need to stress about that reason’s beings this because we are modeling people who already are. The guesswork has been taken out. The Path has already been proven. That is why design hacking is so lucrative and so profitable because you’re not just drawn out of some millennial design. You’re basing your design and your structure based off of somebody who has argued succeeded before you and I’m going to teach you the exact six stem science. Do do that. Okay? So if you follow the process of design hacking, you will 100% be profitable. Again, let me repeat this. Will 100% work for you and your business? Are you getting all this? Okay? Is this making sense? Now see at design school is absolutely the skill set and the course and the instruction that you need to take you and your business to the next level. And again, there are so many ways to make money as a design hacker,

there’s one coming pretty freaking fun. And I am just so passionate about this because I have never seen anything work better for myself or for my clients in so many different niches of business. And I guess that’s all I have left to say is that I 100% note that this will work for your business. So when you join CF design school, remember this is what you’re going to get. You’re going to actually join the course, okay? $1,997 value. You’re gonna get a free two-week trial to click funnels. You are going to get the design templates, you’re going to get access to the click funnels made easy course, the pricing, packaging and positioning course, email design secrets, sales spike video editing course. You’re going to get the group coaching calls, you’re going to be a part of our Facebook community, okay? With all of these amazing design hackers.

And if you’re one of the first 18 okay? You’re going to get one on one coaching calls with me and funnel designer comes. Okay, this all for you for just $997 today, or payment plans, whatever works best for you. Okay? And again, if I haven’t answered your question, reach out to me, Catherine, Automate Academy, me and my team will get back to you asap. Okay? But I want you to get started today. If any part of you has resonated with this, you and your business and your clients and your customers, they dessert this CF design, forward slash go and remember also 30 day back money guarantee. There’s no stress, there’s no stress in its decision, it isn’t worth gambling your time to see if this is right for you and your business. We would love to see you on the inside. Go open up a browser, go to www dot c of design school, Ford Slash go scroll down to the bottom, click one of your payment option, but in your credit card information, the credit username, password.

Then you’re at, we’d love to see you. We’ve love to have you. We would love to see the success that this break for you and your business. Okay? So thanks for being on this training with me today. I think you’re great. I had a great time with you. So here’s the deal. If you still have questions, reach out to me, but if not, that’s it for me. Okay? I am excited for you. I appreciate you and I look forward to getting to know you and work with you inside of CF design school. Talk to you soon. See, only inside.

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