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Discover the Top 7 AI Chatbots for 2023

AI Chatbots


Discover the Top 7 AI Chatbots for 2023

Need a better AI chatbot? Look no further! We’ve got the ultimate guide to ChatGPT alternatives specifically for marketers.

As someone who’s been exploring and working in the AI field for over 2 years, I have to say that AI chat has been my favorite iteration so far. When ChatGPT was introduced at the end of 2022, it revolutionized the AI world, making it incredibly user-friendly and conversational.

In fact, we were so inspired by this new wave of AI chat that we launched our own marketing-focused AI chatbot called Jasper Chat. Since then, a whole range of other AI chatbots have joined the market. And as these chatbots specialize and evolve, it’s becoming increasingly important for people to find ChatGPT alternatives that cater to their specific needs.

I’ve personally experienced this need in my own work, seeking out AI tools that can keep up with my daily content marketing and SEO requirements. So, in this article, I’ll share the best AI chatbots I’ve tried for marketing and explain which use cases they excel in.

But before we dive in, let’s answer a burning question…

What exactly is an AI chatbot?

An AI chatbot is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to interact with humans in a natural language. These chatbots can communicate with users on various platforms like websites, social media, and messaging apps. They’re designed to simulate human-like conversations and provide instant responses, making interactions with AI easier, more efficient, and enjoyable.

To achieve this, AI chatbots leverage machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) technologies. They can understand user queries, learn from interactions, and deliver relevant responses. With time, they become more accurate and efficient, providing a personalized experience for each user.

How can marketers benefit from AI chat?

In this article, we’ll primarily focus on AI chatbots that can be used for:

1. Marketing tasks
2. Content creation
3. Search

However, it’s worth mentioning that there are other types of AI chatbots available to assist businesses with:

– Customer Service
– Lead Generation
– Data Collection
– Sales Support

But let’s save the discussion of those use cases for another blog post. Now, let’s get to what you came here for.

  • Introducing the Best AI Chatbots of 2023
  • AI Chat for Marketing & Sales
  • Jasper Chat

Think of Jasper as your own personal AI marketing co-pilot. Whether you need help with campaign creation, building your brand’s knowledge base, or content creation, Jasper Chat has got you covered. Unlike other AI chatbots that only assist with writing, Jasper Chat can handle a wide range of marketing tasks, including:

– Content briefs and schema generation for SEO
– Content and campaign calendars for project management
– Sales prospecting and outreach templates
– Email templates
– Copywriting for paid social/PPC campaigns

As the in-house SEO specialist at Jasper, I rely on Jasper Chat to create optimized content briefs, generate meta descriptions and schema markup, and keep me on track with content calendars.

Jasper Chat AI Model:

Jasper utilizes a proprietary AI engine that provides access to the best available language models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 & GPT-4, Anthropic, Google’s PaLM 2, and more.

Jasper Chat Pricing:

Jasper Chat is included in every Jasper plan and pricing tier, starting at just $39/month with the Creator plan.

Jasper Chat G2 Rating:

Jasper, the parent company of Jasper Chat, boasts an impressive 4.7-star rating on G2 with over 1,200 reviews.

Jasper Chat Reddit Review:

A user on Reddit, u/Anneunitedshop, shared their experience with Jasper Chat. Here are the pros and cons they highlighted:

– User-friendly chat interface
– Abundance of new topic ideas
– Helps improve content quality
– Suitable for various types of writing
– Generates content in 29 languages
– Auto Save feature eliminates the need for manual saving
– Revision history allows access to previous data

– Output generated by Jasper Chat should be fact-checked




Get ready for the AI game-changer from marketing powerhouse HubSpot: ChatSpot. Released in early 2023, ChatSpot leverages OpenAI’s GPT-3 and GPT-4 models to connect with multiple data sources, including the HubSpot CRM. This AI assistant allows HubSpot users to interact with their data using natural, conversational questions and requests instead of navigating through different dashboards.

With ChatSpot, users can effortlessly run reports, update contacts, and create content for their HubSpot CMS.

Introducing Jasper Chat:


AI Chatbots


Your AI Writing Assistant

See how you can create captivating content with Jasper’s AI chatbot for social media copywriting.

Not only is Jasper Chat a powerful marketing co-pilot, but it’s also an incredible AI writer. I rely on Jasper Chat regularly to generate optimized content briefs. But that’s not all it can do! I use Jasper Chat to:

– Craft detailed article outlines
– Summarize lengthy paragraphs
– Find valuable resources using Google Search add-on
– Identify areas for improvement in my writing
– Write engaging FAQ questions and answers

The possibilities are endless! And if you prefer a more free-flow approach to content creation, Jasper Chat is perfect for you.

With Jasper’s proprietary AI engine, you gain access to the best language models available, including those from OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, and more.

And the best part? Jasper Chat is included in every Jasper plan, starting at just $39 per month.

Trust the high ratings and reviews. Jasper, parent company of Jasper Chat, has an impressive 4.7-star rating on G2 with over 1,200 reviews.

But wait, there’s more! Check out this review from Reddit user u/Anneunitedshop:

– User-friendly chat interface
– Tons of fresh topic ideas
– Improve your content instantly
– Create blog posts, case studies, stories, and more
– Generate content in over 29 languages
– Auto Save feature ensures you never lose your work
– Revision history allows you to restore previous versions

– Fact-check the output generated”

Ready to revolutionize your content creation process? Say hello to Jasper Chat.

And speaking of AI chatbots, have you heard of ChatGPT?

Get to know ChatGPT:


AI Chatbots


The Conversational AI Model by OpenAI

After taking the world by storm in late 2022, ChatGPT has become the talk of the town when it comes to AI chatbots.

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT creates human-like text based on prompts, making it perfect for blogs and marketing content. However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Not tailored for business use cases:

While ChatGPT can be used for various purposes like meal planning and travel itineraries, it doesn’t specialize in business content creation like Jasper does. Jasper’s AI pulls information specific to your brand, products, and features, resulting in more personalized and tailored content.

2. Limited to OpenAI’s models:

While there are many high-quality language models available, ChatGPT solely relies on OpenAI’s models. This may limit the quality and availability of output, leading to potential downtime when the site is overwhelmed.

But don’t worry, ChatGPT has its own strengths:

– User-friendly interface, even for non-techies
– Natural language understanding for human-like conversations
– Idea and content generation capabilities

Of course, there are some drawbacks too:

– Responses may not always be accurate or reliable
– It can’t fully replace human writers and may require human inspection for quality assurance
– Performance may vary for translations and non-English languages

Curious about the ratings? ChatGPT boasts an impressive 4.7-star rating on G2 based on 338 reviews.

To get started with ChatGPT, you can choose between the free version or upgrade to the Plus plan for $20 per month. Keep an eye out for the soon-to-be-released Enterprise option.

Introducing Chatsonic: The Ultimate AI Chatbot for Writers

Say goodbye to writer’s block and time-consuming writing processes. Chatsonic, developed by Writesonic, is the AI chatbot that will revolutionize your writing experience. Powered by Open AI’s GPT-3.5, Chatsonic is designed to automate your writing tasks, whether it’s blog content or marketing copy.

What sets Chatsonic apart from other chatbots is its unique features. You can generate images to enhance your writing and even utilize the voice-to-text feature for added convenience. It’s like having a writing assistant at your fingertips.

But wait, there’s more! Chatsonic is accessible through all Writesonic plans, including the Free Trial. Although it operates on GPT-3.5, you can unlock the full potential of GPT-4 by upgrading to a Writesonic Business plan.

Curious about what others think? Chatsonic currently holds a 2.9-star rating on G2 with 5 reviews. While we couldn’t find specific Reddit reviews, users have praised Chatsonic’s reliability compared to other chatbots like ChatGPT.

But let’s not stop there. Introducing Chat by Copy AI.

Meet Chat: Your Personal AI Writing Assistant

Imagine having an AI-powered chatbot that can assist you with creating articles, sales emails, social media captions, ad copy, and blog posts. That’s exactly what Copy AI’s Chat offers, similar to Chatsonic. On top of that, it integrates real-time data to provide you with up-to-date information for your writing needs.

One thing to note is that Copy AI’s Chat falls short when it comes to incorporating your team’s brand and product information. However, if you’re looking for a creative brainstorming partner and a reliable source of high-quality marketing copy, Copy AI may be the perfect choice.

And the best part? Chat is included in all Copy AI pricing plans, including the Free tier. So you can kickstart your writing journey without breaking the bank.

What do others think of Chat? It boasts an impressive 4.7-star rating on G2 with 176 reviews. While we don’t have specific Reddit reviews for Chat, a satisfied user on r/productidigi subreddit shared their experience:

“Copy AI may be the right choice for you if you are looking for creative brainstorming partners. It could allow you to expand your thinking and generate high-quality marketing copy in a matter of seconds. You can create innovative content that captivates visitors, from digital ads to blog posts to product descriptions.”

But we’re not done yet. Let us introduce you to Zapier’s AI Chatbot.

Build Your Own AI Chatbot with Zapier

Creating a custom AI-powered chatbot has never been easier. Zapier’s free AI Chatbot tool empowers you to build chatbots tailored to your needs. Simply use your own GPT API key, and the possibilities are endless.

With Zapier, you have full control over your chatbot. You can define its knowledge base and responses, whether you want a corporate jargon translator, a press release generator, or even a risk assessment bot. The choice is yours.

Once you’re done building your chatbot masterpiece, Zapier allows you to create a landing page and share it with anyone via a custom URL. It’s the ultimate way to showcase your creation.

Zapier’s AI Chatbot operates on both GPT-3 and GPT-4 models, ensuring top-notch performance. And the best part? It’s completely free! So start unleashing your creativity without any financial commitment.

Although Zapier’s Chatbot doesn’t have its own G2 rating, Zapier as a platform holds an impressive 4.5-star rating with over 1,100 reviews. While we don’t have specific Reddit reviews for Zapier’s AI Chatbot, one user shared their experience overcoming initial struggles:

“I found that the only model that would reliably work was GPT 3 or 4; the 16k one rarely worked. Further, anytime I tried to send through data more than a few thousand tokens, it would crash. So the ‘data’ add function was basically useless because the token max just wouldn’t work. Lots of tweaking later, I got the directive and prompt to be enough information to do as I wanted.”

Ready to take your customer service chatbot to the next level? Introducing Botsonic.

Botsonic: Your Game-Changing AI Chatbot Builder

Botsonic by Writesonic is not your ordinary AI chatbot builder. Powered by GPT-4 like the rest on this list, Botsonic takes your customer service chatbot game to new heights. Acting as a single source of truth for all your customer interactions, it provides a dynamic user experience that will leave a lasting impression.

With Botsonic, you have complete control over your chatbot. While you can access

AI Chatbots

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