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AI Art and Content Marketing

AI Art and Content Marketing


AI Art and Content Marketing

Tired of using the same old stock photos? Say goodbye to generic images and hello to the exciting world of AI art. With AI art generators like Jasper, you can create unique and customizable visuals in a flash. No more relying on repetitive, awkward stock photos!

Discover the fascinating realm of AI art and learn how to get started on your own artistic journey.

Is AI art truly art?

In 2022, “Théâtre D’opéra Spatial,” an AI artwork, won the digital art category at the Colorado State Fair’s annual art competition, causing a heated debate. Some questioned whether AI art can be considered art at all, while others accused the artist, Jason M. Allen, of cheating.

But Allen stood by his creation, stating, “I won, and I didn’t break any rules.” The controversy surrounding AI art raises important questions about its validity in the artistic world.


AI Art and Content Marketing

How is AI-generated art brought to life?

To understand AI art, let’s take a step back and explore the process it goes through:

Programmers design algorithms that allow AI to recognize specific aesthetics and styles.
AI systems either search the internet for images and data or learn from a curated dataset.
Using this collected information, the AI identifies various visuals, textures, colors, and aesthetics.
Through machine learning, the AI creates visuals based on prompts from users. However, different AI systems have varied approaches.

There are three primary types of AI art generators:

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): Enhances patterns and creates mesmerizing, almost psychedelic images.
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN): Utilizes a generator and discriminator in an adversarial relationship to produce original art.
Neural Style Transfer (NST): Applies specific styles to images, allowing for stunning, unique creations.

In the hands of a user, AI becomes the medium to express their artistic vision. It’s like having a virtual palette and brush, or photo editing software, which rely on the artist’s input to create captivating pieces.

Take, for instance, the world’s first AI-generated magazine cover for Cosmopolitan, created by creative director Karen X. Cheng. With a specific prompt given to the AI art generator DALL•E 2, Cheng crafted a cover that captured attention and sparked inspiration. The time spent on the creation process mattered less than the impact it had on viewers.

Discover How AI is Revolutionizing Art

Art has always evolved throughout history, and now AI is driving the next wave of creative exploration. According to Amelia Winger-Bearskin, an expert in AI and the Arts, the conversation about the definition of art, sparked by Marcel Duchamp’s unconventional art installations, continues with AI-generated creations. Winger-Bearskin believes that what truly matters is the decisions made by the artist, how the public engages with the art, and the cultural impact it has. So, why not expand our understanding of art to include AI-generated masterpieces?

AI art isn’t just for professional artists either. People who never considered themselves artists can now tap into their creativity with AI art generators like DALL•E 2. These tools offer limitless possibilities for anyone craving the freedom to create. Even for skilled artists, AI provides new avenues of inspiration and helps overcome creative blocks.

While AI is a powerful tool, it still has its limitations. For example, it struggles with more complex concepts and representations. However, researchers like Ahmed Elgammal are pushing the boundaries with systems like AICAN, which combines AI’s learning abilities with the aesthetics of existing art while striving for originality.

In the practical world, AI art has already found its use. Platforms like Jasper allow marketers and content creators to enhance their online presence with AI-generated imagery. Even popular stock photo sites, like Shutterstock, are partnering with AI to offer a new range of stock images. With AI on your side, the possibilities for creating compelling content are endless.

Of course, there are concerns about the misuse of AI-generated imagery, like deepfakes. However, the positive impact of AI art far outweighs any negatives. AI-generated art is being used across industries, from book cover illustrations to video game worlds and even comic books.

If you’re intrigued and want to explore the world of AI art, here are 12 popular AI image generators to get you started:

1. Jasper
2. DALL•E 2
3. Midjourney
4. Stable Diffusion
5. NightCafe
6. Deep Dream Generator
7. Artbreeder
8. 3BigSleep
9. DeepAI
10. starryai
11. Fotor
12. Dream by WOMBO

Discover the power of AI art with Jasper! Say goodbye to the hassle of creating images for your social media, blogs, and newsletters. Let us show you just how easy it is:

1. Access the Art option in your Jasper account’s navigation bar.
2. Open the Jasper Art template.
3. Describe your desired image, from mood to style to inspiration.
4. Click Create.

You’ll be amazed as Jasper generates four different images based on your description. Simply choose the one you love and easily insert it into your content.

Need help describing your image? We’ve got you covered:

– Use descriptive words and phrases, separated by commas.
– Specify the style using the phrase “In the style of…”
– For realistic images, include phrases like “insane detail” or “ultra realistic.”

If Jasper doesn’t quite nail it, no worries! You can add more details or start fresh with a different description.

And don’t fret about SEO. Google’s John Mueller approves of AI-generated art, as long as it’s not masquerading as something real.

Imagine the possibilities AI art has for the future. It’s a new layer of inspiration for everyone, unlocking creativity in unexpected ways. With AI, you don’t need expensive training or tools to explore your artistic side.

We’re already witnessing the diverse applications of AI-generated art, revolutionizing online marketing. As CJ Donio, Jasper’s group product manager, explains, it’s not about replacing human effort but collaborating with AI to generate fresh, exciting ideas.

AI in the creative realm is a game-changer, and we’re here for it! Let’s embrace the future together.

AI Art and Content Marketing

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