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Freelancer Secrets Review: Can You REALLY Live A Laptop Life?

Freelancer Secrets


Freelancer Secrets Review: Can You REALLY Live A Laptop Life?

Freelancer Secrets

Freelancer Secrets Review: Create Your Laptop Life, Brainchild of Successful Freelancer Julie Stoian is a multi-agency organization to help freelancers to manage a growing number of successful businesses.

If we had just said that the number was “increasing,” it would reduce it.

According to Forbes, there are currently 56.7 million American freelance workers – about 7.7 million since 20.

Those who are doing at home, about a third of American workers, including the prediction of the future, will become more than half in the next few years.

So, as the number of freelancers has exploded in recent years, the resources and training needed to meet their needs are required.

I know this because, in addition to running this site for book summaries, I am also a freelancer.

I started writing a business book briefs to freelancers and side hustlers for a while.

In this post, I am sharing my exact overview of Julie Stoian’s Create Your Laptop Life (affiliate link) program. I am a paid member there. I’ll also show you how to get started with just 1 dollar.

You’ve seen Julie promoting her program through freelancer secrets presentations.

Freelancer Secrets 3

FREE Webclass Here

Who is Create Your Laptop Life for Freelancer Secrets?

Create Your Laptop Life is a group of integrators who work and live right from their computer.

These freelancers don’t have common 9-5 jobs or are trying to escape.

Financial + freedom of living that can be achieved as a freelancer is very important to keep working for someone else.

If you’re a freelancer, make your first $ 1k- online every month. If you are trying to do 10k, then this program is perfect for you.

If you are one of those people who can assess the independence you can make as a freelancer, then Freelancer Secrets and Create Your Laptop Life is for you.

What is create your laptop life for Freelancer Secrets?

Create Your Laptop Life is a membership community for startup online business owners and freelancers with already over 1000 members!

The membership offers skills, strategy, and mindset to succeed as a freelancer.

The program offers skills training, expert advice, weekly coaching, a lively community, plus a bunch of other bonuses and perks.

Here is Julie talking a little about why she started to Create Your Laptop Life:

What is Freelancer Secrets?

Freelancer Secrets is a short 42-minute keynote from Julie at a ClickFunnels funnel hacking live conference.

Julie has grown her business using ClickFunnels, so it’s not surprising to find this company cumbersome in her training.

The live presentation has been re-purposed as a free training guide for freelancers, which you can see here.

Julie, an action-packed 42 minutes, covers the following:

  • How Julie went from “Oh Crop” to a six-figure freelancer
  • The Power of Service – How the Agency Model sets you up for unfair advantage in the marketplace
  • The three critical elements of any startup business
  • A close-up funnel hack that trades in six months of Julie’s market in just a few months
  • 3 × 3 Rules (a bingo board style approach to ensuring that you have the best possible service to your potential clients)
  • Offers a custom ten key components
  • Step by step how to book yourself using Facebook marketing, or Joker as Julie puts it.
  • How to equip yourself as a freelancer
  • Free coaching access

But those are the three main things that Julie focuses on

  1. How to be a freelancer is unfair to you
  2. Julie brings a six-figure funnel a few months later (after struggling for years, makes 2,000 a month)
  3. ‘Zucker-booked’: Facebook marketing on auto-pilot.

As a freelancer, I have taken a lot from this presentation. Even if you don’t want the advantage of starting 1, you should at least get a free performance.

If you are a freelancer, I consider this video is a must-see.

How does Freelancer Secrets work with Create Your Laptop Life?

Basically, the Freelancer Secrets presentation is a free workshop that anybody can view. This presentation is a product of both Julie from Create Your Laptop Lifestyle, and Clickfunnels.

Create Your Laptop Lifestyle is Julie’s flagship membership program where she gives over a thousand freelancers (me included) the tips and advice needed.

What you get when you sign up to Create Your Laptop Life for Freelancer Secrets?

Freelancer Secrets presentation is a free workshop that anyone can see. Create Your Laptop Life, and Clickfunnels are both a product of Julie’s.

Create Your Laptop Life Julie’s Flagship Membership Program, where she gives more than a thousand freelancers (me included) essential tips and advice.

Freelancer Secrets

CYLL Membership

Proposal Secrets: Freelancer Secrets

As a freelancer, I hate writing various proposals to clients.

There is nothing worse than writing a killer proposal for a potential client and getting nowhere.

I’m sure you would instead focus on the client’s work.

OK, in the Privacy section of the program,

  • How to structure your business intensive offers, so you are confident in your results and value!
  • A kickass funnel is all designed and ready to go! Just add your information, and you’re gone
  • Sales scripts to get your lead off in 15 minutes!
  • Offer templates that will get you a big YES out of the possibility.
  • Real-life examples to follow and learn from Julie give real-life examples of how she used strategies to grow her business.
  • Turn off the strategies that help you get off both email and phone.
  • Pricing examples + swipe files for confidence, you are offering.

I’m going to be completely truthful … I’m going to every process section in the expectation of the same content every other ‘freelance guru’ says.

Boy was I wrong….?

The Privacy section on offer was an almost complete system of getting your clients. Each chapter has a short video and PDF template that gives you all the tools you need to put together your offers and attract the right clients.

Even the privacy section of the offer gives you a way to make sure your clients pay you for their offer … so you don’t have to write a proposal and hope for success again.


Influencer Masterclass for Freelancer Secrets

For anyone who fights social media marketing, this was a significant part of the membership.

I understand the ‘how’ of social media, but as a freelancer every day, I have always struggled to see how social media plays out.

In this 24-hour Masterclass, how does Julie grow her business using Facebook every day and use it as the top of her funnel?

My favorite parts of the Masterclass are:

Lead generation for people who aren’t ready to spend money on ads.

Use the Facebook algorithm to get the most engagement and reach. The

Proposal Templates that you need to get a resounding YES from prospects.

The exact steps is to make your Facebook profile the top of your funnel.

The Masterclass has a few more generic sections, so there are Post Ideas to make it quicker.

However, real examples of how Julie used Facebook to grow her freelancing business, see the actual value of the Masterclass.

Weekly coaching calls for Freelancer Secrets

OK, let’s enter the real value here.

Each week, Julie hops online for a live coaching call stored on a membership platform for future use and viewing.

Live coaching calls are presented on Zoom and Facebook Live, and you can submit your questions in advance.

There is no scheduled schedule for calls (which is not ideal); there is always an up-to-date calendar that you can use for invitations.

Live chats are not the only ones selling some webinars, which I like. Every live call I’ve heard so far offers plenty of useful tips for struggling with almost all freelancers, from confident to managing time.

A screenshot from one of the weekly coaching calls… I bet you clicked on it thinking it was a video 😉

CYLL Membership Details

Private Facebook Group and Job Opportunities

The first thing I noticed when I signed up for Create Your Laptop Life, was a landing page which invited me to create an account along with an invitation to the private Facebook group.

The private Facebook group is full of other freelancers who have signed up for the program. In the group, you can ask a question, get support, and even find a job, as there is a lot of freedom to post regularly.

There is a messenger bot that you can sign up for free, which will keep you in the loop when you post new job opportunities to the group.

My experience in the group so far has been positive, a supportive group of freelancers with whom I’ve already learned so much with

Having this group as part of membership has the benefit of including other freelancers who have paid for the membership. Base on the conversation, and you can be sure that the people commenting on each post are legitimate, that no one else is trying to sell you something for free. So, spend in groups.

The bonuses

Like any great offer, there are a range of bonuses that you get for free when you sign up to
Create Your Laptop Life. The bonuses are:

Starting from zero

This is the add-on for the complete beginner! You can learn how to go from literally zero skills or ideas about online business all the way to getting that first dollar.

Build your financial foundation course

A massive pain point for freelancers is managing their money. In this course, you learn the basics of:

  1. Setting the foundation
  2. Bank accounts and accepting payments
  3. Get set up in QBO
  4. Recurring bookkeeping tasks

Other bonuses for Freelancers

There is a range of other masterclasses and expert interviews that will allow you to learn and exceed your freelancing career.

As you can watch in the image below, these expert interviews cover a variety of topics, from goal setting, copywriting, money management, and more.

These interviews are updated continuously, so you should be able to learn on the go.



Does Create Your Laptop Life work?

One of the main questions that you’re probably asking about Create Your Laptop Life by now is if it works or not… and I can’t blame you.

However, as is the case with any information product or resource, the results will vary.

While the marketing system and proposal funnel are high, you need to be able to do what you can.

A large part of the proposed system involves a paid two-hour intensive call that is as kind as a coaching call with you and any potential client.

Also, the two hours you are calling mean that the process is not entirely passive, so what you have left will dictate what you will find out.

What I will say though is that there is more than enough information here to improve your freelance business. I have begun to use aspects of this system in my freelance work and am transitioning to using entirely taught processes over the coming months.

I can also tell you that there is a lot of positive feedback and testimonials from others who try the course. Here are just a few of my favorites.


How much does Create Your Laptop Life Cost?

There are two separate payment options for the Create Your Laptop Life membership.

You can try the membership for 14 days or just $1, which is excellent. From there, you’ll pay $49 a month for unlimited access.

However, if you want to go straight out and buy a 12-month plan, you only pay $199 a year. So, if you buy the Annual Option, you will get it free for eight years.

I bought the $1 trial to find it out for myself and ended up wishing to purchase an annual subscription.

However, both payment options depend on your situation.


Do you need a clickfunnels account?

Julie from Create Your Laptop Life is working with Clickfunnels and mentions the platform a lot in her work.

But don’t be mistaken, you do not need a Clickfunnels account to be a member of
Create Your Laptop Life, nor do you need Clickfunnels to put into practice the teachings that are in the courses and workshops.

While a Clickfunnels account does make it all easier, you can use the systems and hosts that you already use.

Is Create Your Laptop Lifestyle worth the money? A final verdict

If you’re a freelancer that is willing to put in the work to grow their business, you’ll 100% find that Create Your Laptop Life is worth the money you pay.

If you’re looking for an easy way out and want to make money while you sleep, then you may need to go elsewhere. While the systems and funnels included are great and will make the process a lot easier, you still do need to put in work.

The platform is only somewhat new too, and with new content coming up on the site every week, Create Your Laptop Life will be the ultimate guide to being a freelancer.

You can watch the free Freelancer Secrets here.

Watch Here

>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<


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