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How To Make A Whiteboard Video That Converts

Whiteboard Video


How To Make A Whiteboard Video That Converts

Learn how to create a whiteboard video that captivates your audience and increases conversion rates with our expert tips. Turn your ideas into an engaging visual story today! Videos are the top choice for marketers looking to engage audiences and increase conversion rates. They’re memorable, fun, and effective at conveying brand messages.

And guess what? Customers love them too! People are watching an average of 2.5 hours of video every day, and 84% of viewers have been convinced to buy after watching a brand’s video. That’s a huge opportunity for skyrocketing your sales.

No matter what your marketing or conversion goals are, whiteboard videos can help. They drive signups, sales, website traffic, and engagement.

But how can you create whiteboard videos that truly engage and convert?

In this article, we’ll share actionable tips and insights to help you create whiteboard videos that achieve your conversion goals.

Let’s dive in!

Why Whiteboard Videos Are Conversion Powerhouses

Whiteboard videos, also known as doodle videos, bring hand-drawn images and text to life with narration, sounds, and creative movements. They’re perfect for marketing, educational, and informational content.

These videos simplify complex information and make it easy to understand. The graphics are visually appealing and captivating.

If you want to promote your products or services, or create explainer videos, whiteboard videos are the secret ingredient for boosting your conversions and sales.

Not only are they versatile, but they also deliver profitable results. If you’re not using doodle videos for your promotions, you’re missing out on the easiest and most effective way to engage your audience.

The Stats Are Clear

Videos are loved by marketers, trainers, businesses, content creators, entrepreneurs, and customers alike.

People are watching 18 hours of online video every week, thanks to the power of storytelling.

69% of shoppers prefer watching short videos to learn about products, rather than reading articles, posts, or sales demos.

96% of customers have watched explainer videos to gain insights about a company’s offerings.

The trend is clear:

nobody wants to read lengthy text to understand information.

Consumers love videos, and businesses understand this. They’re using video to capture attention and sell their brand.

Whiteboard videos are especially popular on social media, where video content is widely shared. They allow businesses to effortlessly reach and communicate with their audience, sell products and services, and gather customer feedback.

Businesses that leverage video marketing enjoy impressive ROI. 78% of marketers say video has increased their sales, while others have seen a boost in website traffic, click-through rates, and lead generation.

With whiteboard videos, you can reduce support calls and provide a delightful shopping experience for your customers.

What Does Conversion Mean for Your Business?


Whiteboard Video


Regardless of your conversion goals, doodle videos can deliver significant results.

You’re not alone! 63% of video marketers measure success based on engagements like likes, shares, and comments. Others focus on metrics such as video views, leads, customer engagement, brand awareness, and bottom line sales.

Get More Engagement with Video Content

Want to create content that truly captivates your audience? Look no further than whiteboard videos. These unique videos combine images, text, audio, and more to give viewers an immersive and engaging experience.

Unlike other types of content, whiteboard videos grab attention in multiple ways. They provide a visual and auditory feast that keeps viewers hooked. Plus, with whiteboard videos, you can create compelling stories, build emotional connections, and inspire action.

Imagine using a beautiful whiteboard video to encourage people to donate to a cause or buy your products. The best part is, you can customize these videos to suit your target audience perfectly.

But here’s the secret to creating truly engaging whiteboard videos: make them fun, captivating, and appealing from the very first second. You need to hook your viewers and keep them from scrolling past your content.

That’s where Doodly comes in. With our wide selection of whiteboard video elements, you can give your videos that perfect, personalized touch. Choose between male and female hands, different sizes and colors, and even tailor your video to different ethnicities. The possibilities are endless, and the results are more conversions for your business.

Boost Trust with Product Videos

If you’re selling products online, you know how important it is to build trust with your customers. And product videos can do just that. In fact, 84% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy something after watching a brand video.

Let’s face it, when you’re shopping online, it’s hard to make a decision without seeing the product in action. You want to know if it’s really what you’re looking for, if it has the right features, if the color and quality match your expectations.

Sure, product images are helpful, but video is where it’s at. Explainer videos offer detailed information about your products, from visuals to descriptions to features and more. They give customers the confidence they need to make a purchase and provide social proof that seals the deal.

With detailed information and multiple videos, you’ll build credibility and trust over time. And to take it a step further, make sure to share your whiteboard videos across various platforms. The more exposure, the more confidence and conversions you’ll see.

Communicate Your Brand Value with Videos


Whiteboard Video


Short-term sales strategies can only take you so far. If you want long-term success, you need to communicate your brand value. And videos are a powerful tool to help you do just that.

Doodle videos allow you to discuss your unique selling proposition, showcase your brand values, and build personal connections with your audience. This not only increases traffic and conversions but also creates genuine customer interest and investor confidence.

Address Customer Concerns with Informational Videos

Educating your customers has countless benefits, from retention to referrals. If you’re in the software industry, informational videos can help users navigate your solution seamlessly. They address concerns and answer questions customers may not have even thought of.

By providing detailed information in your whiteboard videos, you eliminate doubts and instill confidence in your customers. From product features to usage instructions, make sure your videos cover everything your customers need to know. This will not only lead to repeat purchases but also turn your customers into brand advocates.

Experience the Power of Video for Your Omnichannel Strategy

When it comes to reaching customers across multiple platforms, video is the key. In today’s digital world, consumers are constantly learning about products and making purchasing decisions through various online channels like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, apps, and websites.

By creating a well-scripted and optimized whiteboard video, you can engage more customers and drive conversions on every digital channel. Whether it’s email, social media, online stores, or your website, video enhances the customer experience throughout their buying journey.

Harvard Business Review even states that customers who shop across multiple channels are more valuable. That’s why it’s crucial to be present on every platform and gather data about the customer buying process. With engaging videos, you’ll see increased conversions and sales.

Whiteboard Videos:


Whiteboard Video


The Secret to Sharing and Converting

Video is quickly becoming the preferred marketing content for businesses and content creators, and for good reason. Customers are more likely to share videos than any other type of content, especially if it’s fun, interactive, and engaging.

In fact, videos are shared about 1200% more times on social media channels compared to text and links combined. And when customers share a video, it acts as a positive review for your brand. With 80% of shoppers trusting recommendations from friends and family, a video share can amplify your content, boost conversions, and drive more sales.

Creating Whiteboard Videos that Convert

Don’t miss out on valuable opportunities to convert by neglecting video in your marketing strategy. However, keep in mind that simply creating any type of video won’t cut it. Your videos need to be compelling, interactive, and engaging, with a clear conversion goal in mind.

Here are a few tips for creating whiteboard videos that convert:

1. Tell stories with compelling scripts:

Harness the power of storytelling to connect with your audience and address their pain points. Craft a script that describes the problem, explains your solution, and highlights your unique selling points.

2. Use appropriate characters and elements:

Leverage animations, characters, and other whiteboard elements to make your story relatable. Consider factors like your target audience’s ethnicity, tone, language, gender, age, and preferences to create characters that resonate.

3. Utilize whiteboard tools:

With tools like Doodly, you can easily create professional whiteboard videos without the need for drawing tools, cameras, or artists. These tools allow you to drag and drop elements, creating visually appealing and engaging videos.

4. Create Engaging Videos for Maximum Impact

Don’t let your videos be dull and uninspiring. When creating an explainer video, it’s important to make it fun and captivating for your audience.

In today’s fast-paced world, people have short attention spans. If your video fails to entertain them, they will quickly move on to something else. This means you could miss out on potential conversions.

To keep your audience engaged throughout the video, inject some humor into it. This can be achieved through storytelling, narrations, and animated graphics. If you can get it right, you’ll see increased engagement, shares, likes, reviews, and referrals.

5. Maintain a Consistent Brand Identity

Whiteboard videos are a powerful tool for conveying information. In order to make a lasting impact, it’s important to ensure that your brand image remains consistent throughout the video.

Your brand elements, such as colors and logo, should be prominently featured in the video. This helps create a positive and memorable perception of your product in the viewer’s mind. By incorporating your brand elements into the video, you can strengthen the connection between your brand and the viewer.

Remember, customers prefer to engage with businesses that have a strong brand identity. By creating a consistent brand experience, you can attract and retain customers.

6. Opt for High-Quality Videos Only


Whiteboard Video


In today’s saturated video landscape, quality is key. Customers spend hours watching videos on social media platforms, so they can easily distinguish between high and low-quality content.

If your video lacks quality, viewers are likely to abandon it within seconds. This leads to higher bounce rates and lower search engine rankings. Ultimately, it hinders your chances of conversion and can negatively impact your return on investment.

To attract and retain customers, prioritize high-quality production and delivery for your whiteboard videos. Pay attention to every detail to ensure that your content captivates and holds the viewer’s attention.

Keep in mind that your video may be viewed on different devices and platforms. Thus, optimizing your video for multiple devices is essential to provide a seamless viewing experience.

Remember, you only have one chance to make a good first impression. So, make sure your whiteboard video delivers an exceptional digital experience.

7. Tell a Cohesive Story in Every Scene

Before diving into video production, it’s crucial to create a storyboard that guides your storytelling, visual transitions, and character development.

A well-planned storyboard helps you captivate your audience and leave them wanting more. Without it, you risk creating disjointed stories that fail to engage viewers.

Remember, your drawings, images, narratives, and text should all contribute to the overall story. Each scene should seamlessly flow into the next, grabbing and maintaining the viewer’s attention.

But it’s not just about grabbing attention. Your customers should also be able to connect with the words, tone, images, and brand elements in your video. Establishing these connections boosts engagement and conversions, as viewers are more likely to watch the entire video, share it, and amplify your brand.

8. Find the Perfect Voice for Your Video


Whiteboard Video


When it comes to narrations and voiceovers, the voice you choose can make all the difference. It’s important to select a voice artist who can connect with your audience and bring your story to life.

To ensure high-quality voiceovers, be sure to record in a soundproof room or voice studio. And don’t forget to choose background music that matches the message of your video.

Hiring a professional voiceover artist can be time-consuming and expensive. But with Talkia, you can create professional-sounding voiceovers in multiple languages without breaking the bank.

9. Get Your Viewers to Take Action

Your call to action is a crucial part of your video. It tells your viewers what they should do next. Whether it’s buying a product, downloading an ebook, or subscribing to your channel, your call to action should be clear and compelling.

To make your call to action more enticing, consider offering attractive discounts or free consultations. But remember, your viewers won’t take action if they’re not engaged until the end of your video.

10. Boost Your Video’s Visibility with SEO

Optimizing your video for search engines can help you reach a wider audience and increase conversions. By using relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract more potential customers.

Don’t forget to upload your video to multiple social media platforms to maximize its reach. With these optimization strategies, you’ll increase your chances of getting your video noticed and driving more conversions.

Types of Whiteboard Videos that Drive Conversions

1. Showcase Your Products

Customers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. Use whiteboard videos to showcase your products and explain how they solve customer problems. These videos will serve as your ultimate sales pitch and help you drive conversions.

2. Educate and Inform with Explainer Videos

Instead of being overly sales-oriented, focus on educating and helping your customers with explainer videos. Show them how your product or service addresses their pain points and solves their problems. When you provide value and solutions, customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and refer others to your business.

3. Drive Sales with Compelling Video Ads

Video ads are a powerful tool for increasing conversion and sales. Take advantage of whiteboard videos to create engaging ads that speak to your audience’s pain points and communicate value. Use precise audience targeting to ensure your ads reach the right audience and inspire action.

4. Get more out of your whiteboard videos with these powerful strategies.

Retargeting is the key to converting website and YouTube visitors. With platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram offering retargeting features, you can reach out to those who didn’t convert the first time around.

On YouTube, start a new retargeting campaign using a video remarketing list. Simply choose the video you want to promote and launch your campaign.

For Facebook, create a custom audience to retarget visitors from specific pages on your website. Whether it’s your homepage, pricing page, or a product page, you can focus your efforts on capturing those potential customers.

But it doesn’t stop there. Whiteboard videos have many benefits for businesses. They are memorable, engage more viewers than other media types, and are ideal for explaining complex solutions.

When creating your videos, make sure to tell stories that connect with your customers and address their pain points. And don’t forget to inject some fun and humor to keep them engaged throughout.

Every aspect of your video, from your choice of words to your branding, should resonate with your target audience and leave a lasting impression.

Don’t compromise on quality. High-quality videos yield better results. Consider working with professional video production companies or use Doodly to create professional whiteboard videos that set you apart from your competitors.

And finally, optimize your video for SEO and include clear call-to-actions to drive customer actions and increase conversions.

With these tips, you’re on your way to creating whiteboard videos that truly convert.


Whiteboard Video That Converts

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