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How to WRITE SCRIPTS for your Doodly Videos

Doodly Videos


How to WRITE SCRIPTS for your Doodly Videos

Maximize the impact of your Doodly videos with these script-writing tips. Engage and entertain viewers while driving your message home! Whether you’re a startup entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, you understand the power of a compelling script when it comes to promoting your products or services through whiteboard animation. While a flashy presentation might catch some eyes, a great script is what truly engages and captivates your target market.

Enter Doodly, the ultimate whiteboard animation tool that lets you showcase your product without the boring slideshows. But here’s the catch – we want more than just entertainment. We want conversions. That’s why in today’s blog, we’re diving deep into the art of writing scripts for your Doodly videos.

Before you dive into Doodly, it’s crucial to brainstorm and plan your content with your team.

Let’s explore the key factors to consider when crafting your scripts:

1. Know Your Audience

Get to know your target market inside and out. Whether you’re a realtor or in a different industry, identify the specific type of customers you want to reach. Understanding their needs and preferences will help you tailor your script to resonate with them.

2. Set Your Intentions


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What do you want your viewers to do after watching your video? Think about the desired action you want them to take, whether it’s scheduling an appointment or filling out a form. This call to action will be the climax of your video, so keep it in mind while constructing your script.

3. Address Their Problems

Identify the pain points your customers face in relation to your product or service. Maybe they struggle with bad credit or feel overwhelmed by paperwork. These frustrations will serve as the foundation for your script, allowing you to showcase how your offering can alleviate their pain.

4. Appeal to Emotions

Consider the emotions your customers experience when grappling with their pain points. Understanding their feelings of overwhelm, fear, or uncertainty will help you connect with them on a deeper level. Highlighting these emotions and showing how your solution can bring relief is key to winning them over.

5. Present Your Solution


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This is your chance to shine. Explain how your product or service solves the problem mentioned earlier. Let your script illustrate the ways in which you can address your customers’ needs and make their lives easier.

6. Emphasize the Benefits

When mentioning the features of your offering, tie them directly to the benefits your customers will enjoy. Focus on the positive experiences or outcomes they can expect. For example, instead of merely stating the technical details of your bell, highlight its soothing tone that promotes relaxation without disturbing neighbors.

7. Keep it Brief and Engaging

With our attention spans shrinking due to information overload, it’s crucial to keep your whiteboard video concise and focused. Make every second count, ensuring that your presentation is engaging enough to keep viewers watching until the end.

8. Create Engaging Videos with Characters and Props

Make your videos more engaging by using characters and props. With Doodly, you can import your own creative assets to bring your videos to life.


You don’t have to solve every problem in a single video. Choose one or two pain points, focus on addressing them effectively, and save the rest for future videos. This way, you can create a series of videos that truly help your customers overcome their challenges.

Now, let’s get your ideas down on paper.

Writing Your Script

Preparing your script is easy. You can create a simple table using any word processor or even just a piece of paper.

Here’s a basic format you can use:

1. On the video side, describe each scene in separate rows.
2. On the audio side, use complete sentences suitable for voice-over narration.

Writing your script this way makes it clear and organized. It can be done on paper or digitally, making it convenient for you to jot down ideas for each scene as they come to you.

9. Collaboration is Key


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Once you have your script ready, it’s a great idea to share it with others involved in the video production process. Whether it’s a partner or coworker, their input can help improve your script and bring fresh ideas to the table. This way, you can gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before investing time in creating the video.

Your Script as a Blueprint

Once your script is finalized and approved, it becomes the blueprint for your video. You can use Doodly to bring it to life, record your voiceover, gather props, and refer to your script as you go along.

Another option is to use a template. Doodly offers a variety of templates that you can choose from, both within the software and in the marketplace. Additionally, Doodly’s Automatic Script program provides templates specifically for video scripts, making it easy to customize them to suit your needs.

In conclusion…

When creating a script, remember to include an introduction with a problem, key points, benefits, and a call to action. It may seem simple, but these elements are often enough to get you started. With practice, scriptwriting becomes easier and you’ll be surprised at the great results you can achieve.

Until next time! 🙂

Doodly Videos

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